Bad luck + bad keyboard luck
I tried with Wabalisc, Dyeborg and Charonyx
Wabalisc would do chip while staying alive with Luster Loot and a Health Amulet, then once it dies you can go into a Dyeborg with Handy to Square One so that Charonyx can come in with max bulk and Peace of Mind + Luster Loot until Icigool is gone
Too much luck funneled into the wrong place
Honestly trade values in this game seem so arbitrary that I'm amazed how the first people came up with rationale for the values for this game in the first place
Very nice finds
Oh damn
Gamma Jimhalos
Grimyuline should learn Vicious Snap, change my mind
Maybe it was an edit/something was deleted from there, who knows
Odd, did it say anything or no?
Like me!!!!!!!
I played a lot earlier this year and I'm almost done the dex
It is really fun
Huh, was it from DMs or from a server?
I also suck at romance
But I dunno, just be genuine, be nice and respectful of her boundaries, and put in the effort
So glad that auto-move button exists
Afk hunting truly is a gem