Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki

The Battle Colosseum is a facility in Loomian Legacy - Veils of Shadow that serves as the place players can battle other players. It is accessed via the RTD. It is also where players can get Battle Tokens to buy items from the Battle Shop.

Battle Settings[]

Requests can be sent to any opponent from the player by clicking on their name on the player list (top-right drop-down menu) or by clicking on their avatar. The player can send as many requests as he or she would wish in order to get a battle. There are many factors that can be selected before sending a request.


There are currently three available rulesets to choose from.

  • Casual: No special conditions are enforced. This is the default mode.
  • Competitive: In this mode, each Loomian in a player's team must be of a unique species, and each item held by a player's Loomians must be unique across their team. The Level setting is limited to Levels 50 and 100.
  • Randoms: Each Loomian in a player's team is randomized into a set with a specific level, item, moveset (some Loomians have moves that they cannot normally learn), and Ability. There exists some Loomians that are labeled as "Easter Eggs," such as Rainbow Twilat, Rainbow Shawchi, Alpha Holiday Ragoon, and Ruby Zuelong, which can rarely appear at a 1/700 chance. There also exists a few Loomians which are labeled as "Meme" sets, such as Snowl and Twilat, which can rarely appear at a 1/1400 chance.


In a battle, players can choose whether their Loomians will have their levels changed or not. It can be Levels 5, 50, 100, or Unchanged. Selecting Unchanged will cause the level of the player's Loomians to be the same level as they are in Adventure Mode. Level 5 and Unchanged can only be selected under Casual rules. The Randoms ruleset forces the Unchanged option as levels are already predetermined by the Loomian.


Battles can be fought in Single or Double Battle format. It is important that players know the difference between these modes, as the strategies and tactics deployed in each battle mode are very different.

Single Battle[]

In Single Battles, only one Loomian from each side is brought out at a time. Each participant can control the number of Loomians they would like to use in the match, with a maximum of five from their party. The Randoms ruleset forces the Single Battle format.

Double Battle[]

In Double Battles, two Loomians from each side are set against each other at the same time. Participants still have control of how many Loomians they would like to use in the battle, with the maximum number of Loomians allowed from each side still being five. For obvious reasons, players are not allowed to start the match without bringing in at least two Loomians.

Team Preview[]

Players can decide whether they will be allowed to see each other's Loomians before a battle or not. Some players prefer to have the Team Preview off in order to give their opponents an element of surprise or to conceal their strategies. Players must be wary of whether they want to take that chance or not. The Randoms ruleset forces Team Preview to be on.


Players have the ability to spectate matches between other players if the respective setting is switched to "Allow". Players are not able to view the specific Health and Energy stats of the player or team they are spectating. Players can leave the match they are spectating at any time.


Players have the ability to choose from a variety of locations to battle in, or have a random location be chosen. There are currently six unique battle locations to choose from, being Arcade, Ballroom, Clock Tower, Countryside, Dock, and Skyscraper. Selecting Stadium will result in the battle being played inside of the Battle Colosseum as the default location for any battle.


In the Battle tab of the Battle menu, players can queue up and battle a random player who is also queued up across all Battle Colosseum servers. After successfully finding an opponent, the player will be placed in a separate server with their opponent to battle it out. Currently, matchmaking can be used for Random and Ranked Battles.

2v2 Battles[]

In 2v2 Battles, players can team up with another player and face off against two other players in a Double Battle. Each player is allowed three Loomians to bring with them from their current party. Players can either join an existing party if not full, or host a new one. The host has the ability to control who is on each team, as well as the ability to change the settings for the match (Level, Team Preview, Spectate). All 2v2 Battles automatically have the "Casual" ruleset enabled and will not reward any Battle Tokens upon winning a match.

Battle Tokens[]

After a battle, players earn one Battle Token for each opposing Loomian they knock out. Rematches between players will not count for Battle Tokens until one hour has elapsed, so players must battle new opponents in order to continue receiving Battle Tokens. Battle Tokens can be spent on many goods and services in the Colosseum Marketplace. Battle Tokens may also be earned through spinning the Lucky Wheel.


Ranked is a competitive game mode where players battle against each other on a set ruleset and format that changes every season. There is also a ban list for each season that restricts what may be used in battle. During a season, players are able to obtain a variety of rewards determined based on the rank that they achieve in that season. In order to progress through the ranks, players must win Ranked matches to increase their MMR (Matchmaking Rating). A player's current MMR is visible on the player leaderboard to the right of the screen when inside of a Battle Colosseum server, colored based on the rank reached. Each rank gives a variety of rewards upon reaching it that the player can claim instantly and after each season is over the top players of the season will receive additional rewards. Losing a Ranked match will decrease MMR slightly. The rank distribution can be found below, as well as the rewards for each season:

Novice Rank
Advanced Rank
Hyper Rank
Expert Rank
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
0 MMR 100 MMR 200 MMR 300 MMR 400 MMR 500 MMR 600 MMR 700 MMR 800 MMR 900 MMR 1000 MMR 1100 MMR
Ace Rank
1200+ MMR
Season Zero
Duration Bans Ruleset
Nov 30th, 2024 - Jan 31st, 2025 None Competitive, Singles, Team Preview On
Rank Rewards
Novice Rank Novice 1 Novice Trainer - Season Zero Badge Novice Trainer - Season Zero Badge
Novice 2 Training Gummy Training Gummies (×10 of each)
Novice 3 Boost Token Boost Tokens (×5)
Battle Token Battle Tokens (×50)
Advanced Rank Advanced 1 Advanced Trainer - Season Zero Badge Advanced Trainer - Season Zero Badge
Advanced 2 Battle Colosseum - S0 Background Battle Colosseum - S0 Profile Background
Advanced 3 Boost Token Boost Tokens (×5)
'Advanced' Title
'Advanced' Name Color
Hyper Rank Hyper 1 Hyper Trainer - Season Zero Badge Hyper Trainer - Season Zero Badge
Hyper 2 Voucher S0 H Voucher S0 H (×1)
Hyper 3 Boost Token Boost Tokens (×8)
'Hyper' Title
'Hyper' Name Color
Expert Rank Expert 1 Expert Trainer - Season Zero Badge Expert Trainer - Season Zero Badge
Expert 2 Voucher S0 E Voucher S0 E (×1)
Expert 3 Boost Token Boost Tokens (×8)
'Expert' Title
'Expert' Name Color
Ace Rank Ace Ace Trainer - Season Zero Badge Ace Trainer - Season Zero Badge
Voucher S0 A Voucher S0 A (×1)
Boost Token Boost Tokens (×10)
'Ace' Title
'Ace' Name Color
End of Season
Top 100 Top 100 - Season Zero Badge Top 100 - Season Zero Badge
'Top 100' Title
'Top 100' Name Color
Top 25 Top 25 - Season Zero Badge Top 25 - Season Zero Badge
'Top 25' Title
'Top 25' Name Color
Champion (Top 1) Champion - Season Zero Badge Champion - Season Zero Badge
'Champion' Title
'Champion' Name Color

Battle Stats[]

In the Stats tab of the Battle menu, players can view their Ranked Stats for the current season or of all time. This includes the number of wins, KOs, damage dealt, and peak MMR reached, as well as their '#1 Pick,' the Loomian brought into battle the most, their 'Favorite Soul Burst,' the Loomian which is Soul Bursted the most, the Loomian with the most KOs and damage dealt, as well as the Loomian with the best KFR (KO/Faint Ratio) and DDTR (Damage Dealt/Taken Ratio). Players can also view the match history of their 12 most recent battles that features the amount of MMR gained/lost, if they lost or won and by how much, the rank of both players, and the date the battle took place.


Loomian Legacy - Veils of Shadow
v0.4.23 The Battle Colosseum received a revamp, added Ranked Battles, an improved Battle menu, and six additional battle locations.
v0.4.21 Added Randoms ruleset and matchmaking, Battle Tokens now awarded based on number of opponent Loomians knocked out.
v0.4.14a Colosseum Points were rebranded to Battle Tokens.
v0.2.6 Added 2v2 Battles and the Spectate setting.
v0.1.3 Battle Colosseum was added to the game.