Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki

Discs are a type of consumable item primarily used for capturing Loomians.


There are many variations of Capture Discs, each with differing potency, or capture rate. Potency determines the probability of effectively capturing a Loomian. A higher potency would mean a higher probability of capture.


Potency Disc Notes
Capture DiscExpert Disc
1.5× Adv. Disc
Hyper DiscHeart Disc
2.5x Wheel Disc
3.5×, 1× Voidstone Disc 3.5× when used on a Loomian of the corresponding type; 1× otherwise
100% Catch Ace DiscCelebration Disc V Never fails


Potency Disc Notes
0.5× Coal Disc
Spooky DiscSnowflake DiscFull Heart DiscBroken Heart DiscMeteor DiscCandy DiscFrost Blossom DiscDonut DiscLollipop DiscC.C. Cookie DiscSkeleton DiscEgg Disc EEgg Disc KTreasure DiscHaunted DiscSwolder Web DiscNova DiscJingle DiscRainbow DiscEye DiscStar Disc
Crown Disc
3.5× Waba Disc
6×, 1× Pumpkin DiscMetro DiscFab DiscBaba DiscMask DiscHarp DiscTrident DiscGrim DiscStellar Disc 6× when used on Nevermare, Metronette, Kyeggo, Odoyaga, Mimask, Nymaurae, Nymesis, Grimyuline, or Celesting, respectively; 1× otherwise
10×, 1× Pumpkin Disc WMetro Disc GMask Disc GGrim Disc F 10× when used on Nevermare, Metronette, Mimask, or Grimyuline, respectively; 1× otherwise
100% Catch Omni DiscCelebration Disc BCelebration Disc G Never fails

Rallying Inheritance[]

When a Loomian is rallied at the Rally Ranch, the disc of the new Loomian matches the disc of the rally leader. However, if the leader was captured in an Ace Disc, the new Loomian's disc is the default Capture Disc instead.

All items (48)
