Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki
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“You may have defeated my Loomian, but you haven't defeated me. Dr. Vanta does not give up on his ambitions, Mark my words. You haven't seen the last of me.”
– Dr. Vanta, POLUT Corp.

Dr. Bandhur Vanta is an antagonist in Loomian Legacy - Veils of Shadow. He is an inventor from Sepharite City who is the CEO, and founder, of the city's defining company, POLUT Corp. His research focuses on using Soul Crystal energy to create new Loomians that can be used as war machines to sell to warring states. After the player defeats and releases his first prototype, Protogon, Dr. Vanta flees from Sepharite City and vows to return.


Mutagon Detainment

Dr. Vanta locking Mutagon in Vantacorp Vault.

As a child, Dr. Vanta's grandfather told him stories about the Soul Crystals. This fueled his ambition to discover more about them and to use them to change the world. Over 10 years ago, Dr. Vanta founded Vantacorp and succeeded with his team in creating his first artificial Loomian, Mutagon. However, the team was unable to control Mutagon, who escaped the testing facility it was in and caused a major car accident involving Battle Star Faust before being detained in the Vantacorp Vault.

After the incident, Dr. Vanta abandoned Vantacorp and founded a new company named POLUT Corp., which focused on creating both bionic gadgets and artificial Loomians. He created utility Loomians such as Whimpor, Chompactor and Operaptor to aid in tasks such as cleaning and constructing Sepharite City, as well as security Loomians such as Scorb and Poochrol to guard his own labs. He also created Samarine. His most prized creation, Protogon, was made to be sold for high prices as war machines, making his company extremely rich and influential in the process. However, his plans were thwarted when the player infiltrated POLUT Campus and defeated the corrupt Protogon, releasing it into the wild, forcing the scientist to relocate before the city discovers his evil invention. According to the Atlanthian City poster, Dr. Vanta may be in close proximity to the player and his future plans are currently unknown.

Dr. Vanta planned revenge on the player for ruining his experiment and deduced that the player would arrive in Atlanthian City, resulting in him sending one of his employees, Meredin, to battle the player. After the player defeats Meredin, Dr. Vanta is seen in a call with him, vowing to make the player pay for what they did.

Sometime after the player arrived in Atlanthian City, Dr. Vanta apologised to Mr Ferrix for the attack on Mr Ferrix's daughter, Milla by the corrupt Samarine, and extended an offer for his top scientists to examine Mr Ferrix's corrupted Torty and a piece of the corrupted Stone Tablet he discovered, leading to their imminent arrival at the mansion for retrieval, while Dr. Vanta travels to The Lost City to obtain the Soul Heart.

In The Lost City, Dr. Vanta and a few POLUT guards and scientists are seen in a room studying a wall of debris. The scientist tells Vanta that it should take around twelve hours to drill through the debris, but Vanta claims he does not have time for it, and sends out a Protogon to blast the wall, revealing a tunnel filled with blue, glowing crystals. Vanta turns and greets Ferrix, who tries to warn him about the dangers of the Soul Heart. Vanta admits that he does not know everything about the Stone Tablet or the Soul Heart, but as a scientist, it is his job to experiment and discover. He then proceeds onwards with Garren, one of his scientists, and leaves the two Elite POLUT Guards to deal with the player. Jake joins the player for a double battle.

After defeating them, more POLUT Guards rush at the group, and the rivals volunteer to stay behind, while Mr. Ferrix and the player pursue Vanta. At the end of the tunnel is a colossal chamber with a massive blue crystal protruding from the ceiling, and right beneath it is an artifact with a blinding white glow: the Soul Heart. As the player approaches, Garren comments to Vanta that the energy readings from the Soul Heart are unlike any they've ever seen before. Mr. Ferrix interrupts them, but Vanta says that the Soul Crystal is "the next step for humanity." Mr. Ferrix tries to warn him by saying that tampering with the Soul Heart could be disastrous, but Vanta insists that it has the power of creation, not destruction. Vanta then says that they should settle things with a battle, and the player must battle Dr. Vanta.

After defeating Vanta, he is outraged, saying that the player should not have interfered with his plan to advance humanity. Ferrix counters him by saying that power should not be placed in the hands of a single man, and people should instead be unified to make change. Vanta disregards this, saying that he needs to fix his and other people's "mistakes" to society, such as his cyber implants making people lazy. Ferrix says that the cyber implants are actually helpful, but Vanta says that doesn't matter, and all that matters is obtaining the Soul Heart. Then, the rest of the player's group runs in and congratulates the player on beating Vanta. However, Starla begins staring at the Soul Heart intensely, and grows three extra eyes and begins howling at it. Vanta suddenly has a flashback to seeing Starla in a snowy area when he was a boy. Starla's howling causes the Soul Heart to glow blue, and awakens a Loomian in a pool below the chamber. Then, a piece of the Soul Heart breaks off and hovers towards Vanta's weakened Stratusoar. Right afterwards, the underwater Loomian jumps out of the water and onto the platform. Ferrix recognizes it to be a Loomian described on a mural, and it is the protector of the Soul Heart. Vanta sees that his Stratusoar is revitalized, and sends it to battle the mysterious Loomian, Dakuda. Then, Vanta notices his Loomiwatch is glowing, and uses it to transform his Stratusoar into a more powerful form: Jetwing Stratusoar. This process is later named as Soul Burst.

Stratusoar unleashes a powerful attack on Dakuda, but then another piece of the Soul Heart breaks off and floats towards Dakuda, allowing it to Soul burst to Overcharged Dakuda. The player controls Dakuda and uses it to defeat Vanta. Refusing to give up, Vanta rushes at the Soul Heart, and it shatters to pieces. Water floods into the chamber, and Vanta feels unwell. Vanta and Garren run away.


Dr. Vanta wears a dark-blue suit-like trench coat over a white dress shirt, along with black pants and dress shoes. He also wears a blue necktie with a metallic gear on it and has a glowing robotic eye-piece on his left eye. Dr. Vanta has short green hair and purple eyes.


On the outside, Dr. Vanta seems to be a well-spoken and determined man, thinking highly of himself as he sometimes speaks in the third person. However, he is willing to sacrifice safety in pursuit of his ambitions, such as in the case of Mutagon escaping, and again when he activated the corrupt Protogon to fight the player despite his assistant warning him it was not ready.

He does not seem to be only driven by money, however, as he developed biomechanical limbs solely due to causing Faust's injuries, and wanted to sell Protogons to warring states so he could use the money to develop technologies to benefit people.

He is not morally devoid, as he feels turmoil for causing Faust's accident.


The Player[]

Dr. Vanta encounters the player in the lobby of POLUT Corp, where he introduces himself and his company. At first he appears friendly. When the player returns and foils his plans, Dr. Vanta flees in rage. His location is unknown. Dr. Vanta has planned revenge on the Player for ruining his experiments.

Battle Star Faust[]

Dr. Vanta first meets Faust when his creation, Mutagon, caused an accident that killed Faust's parents and severely injured her. His company then saved her, providing her with robotic limbs to live a normal life. Faust seems to be unaware of what caused her accident and is extremely grateful towards Dr. Vanta. Despite her gratitude, Faust informs the Player that she has developed her own suspicions of his intentions.


All POLUT Corp. guards and scientists seem to have both great respect and fear for Dr. Vanta. However, the reverse cannot be said. Dr. Vanta states that his guards are useless (though they did fail at stopping the Player), and forces an employee to activate Protogon, even though the risk outweighed the reward.


POLUT Corp. Tour
“And thanks to Faust, we're able to spread awareness of our life-changing technology.”
“Oh, it's not a problem, Lidia. By the way, where is your identification card? They are supposed to be kept on your coat.”
“Very well. Hurry back when you find it. We have people waiting for their cyber upgrades.”
“Sorry about that, Faust. Where were we?”
“Oh yes, Faust is equipped with state-of-the-art gear. It allows her to act quickly in battle. You can bet she's a fierce opponent. All of our technology is developed to give people their lives back, as well as to enhance the average person's life. Our mission here at POLUT Corp. is to bring humanity closer to a utopian society.”
“We were happy to help! After we gave Faust her new limbs, she quickly became famous. Because of her story, the word got out about what we do here. We owe a lot of our growth to her, so I'd say we're even. Since then, we've also developed our very own Loomians that are a unique combination of digital and organic. They were each created to play a positive role in their respective habitats.”
“If you happen to find any of these Loomians in the wild, feel free to capture a few. After all, the more people who have them, the more people will hear about us. It's basically free advertisement.”
“Oh, don't let me keep you any longer. I've got to get back to work too. I've been working on something very exciting that I must get back to. See you next week, Faust.”
Awakening Protogon
“Alright, is everything ready to go?”
“Alright, let's begin. The first step is to awaken our creation, and bring it to life. Begin.”
“That is excellent news. Let's run diagnostics and put it through a few tests before we proceed with Phase Two.”
“There is no greater work in this world than what we are doing here at POLUT Corp. There is also nothing more expensive than running this company. And regardless of any efforts we could possibly make, the world will always be plagued by war. It's a tragedy, truly, but the ends certainly justify the means. If all goes according to plan, we will produce an army of enhanced Loomian that will be unstoppable... We sell to the highest bidder... Our profits reach never-before-seen heights... And in turn, we are able to continue making this world a better place...with my inventions.”
“I owe a lot to that mysterious dark stone that fell from the sky. Soon we will know exactly how much power it possesses than the Soul Crystals alone. I am looking forward to Phase Two!” (Sees Jake)
“Who was that?! They must have seen and heard everything that just happened. Well don't just stand there, go after them!”
Corrupt Protogon Battle
“Another intruder? What am I even paying these guards for?! If you made it this deep into my facility, you must be very determined. What is it you want?”
“You want to take away my latest, and possibly greatest, discovery? Ha! Well, I'm afraid I can't let that happen. You see, we were just about to perform a test with it. In fact, you're just in time for the show. Do it now!”
“Perfect! Exactly as I had predicted. Now that our creation is at full power, I would like to test it.”
“Enough! I'm in charge here. For its first test, Protogon will eliminate the intruder. This kid has seen too much, and it would be unfortunate to have another witness get away.”
“I gave you an order. Do not test me. Do it now.”
After defeating Protogon
“No, how can this be?! After all the time and resources I have sunk into creating the ultimate life-form, some brat sneaks into my lab, beats it up, and lets it escape? This is unacceptable! I can't let a mere child like you ruin my work so easily.”
“Everyone is going to wonder where that Loomian came from, and they will trace it back to us. We don't have time to destroy the evidence. If I am caught, I'll be ruined. I have no choice but to flee while I still have time. Guards, go start the truck.”
“You may have defeated my Loomian, but you haven't defeated me. Dr. Vanta does not give up on his ambitions, Mark my words. You haven't seen the last of me.”
Vantacorp Vault
Over 10 Years Ago
“If only I could have known then what I know now... That my greatest creation would turn out to be such a huge disappointment in the end.”
“Things could have been different if you had not denied me your servitude. But you chose to disobey me, as if I wasn't worthy of you.”
“While this may be the end for you, I will go on and continue my work. As you sleep here for the rest of time, I will continue to invent new things... greater things than you. You were nothing more than a learning experience along my path to victory”
“I am leaving you behind. By locking everything from the past couple of years down here with you, I will finally be able to move on. This is goodbye, Mutagon” (Leaves Vantacorp Vault)
Atlanthian City - Entertainment District
Speaking to Meredin over the LoomiWatch
“I thought those kids would show up in Atlanthian City eventually. They will soon pay for what they did to us at HQ. However, we don't have time for that right now. It will just have to wait until we've gotten what we came down here for. The power which we seek rivals that of the corruption stone. If those kids try to interfere with our plans again, they will be sorry. I want you to keep an eye on them. Make sure they do not find out we're here. We cannot afford to let anything slow us down now. Not when we are this close to acquiring the power which we have sought for so long.”
“You had better. Failure is not an option this time around. I'm depending on you now, Meredin. Goodbye...”
The Lost City - Temple Ruins
“Yes, I can see that.”
“ENOUGH! We don't have time for that! We've already received reports of another group approaching. It has to be Ferrix. That fool tried to keep the discovery of The Lost City a secret, as if it's his responsibility to protect it. He doesn't understand the tremendous power contained within the Soul Heart. Long ago, I made a promise that I would find this place and unravel the secret technology of the ancient past. It is my calling, my purpose. My destiny, and therefore the world's destiny, lies just beyond this heap of rocks. Protogon! Give that pile of rocks a taste of your energy cannon!”
“Excellent work, Protogon! I can always count on my own inventions to get the job done.”
“There is no need to exercise so much caution. This temple has survived for several millennia beneath the ocean's surface. Besides, I do not have the time to sit by and play things by the book. My destiny awaits me just ahead.”
The group led by Mr. Ferrix enters
“Ah, Ferrix... I was wondering when you would show up.”
“Why feign ignorance? You are no stranger to the history of The Lost City. You know exactly why I'm here.”
“I'm going to stop you right there, Mr. Ferrix. It is true that I do not yet fully understand the power stored in Akkuwari's tablet, nor the power of the Soul Heart. As a scientist and inventor, it is my duty to ascertain how things work and how to leverage them. I believe that there is no sacrifice too great in order to secure a bright future for mankind.”
“You pests! I ought to have you arrested for breaking and entering. However, having been gifted with the vision to see the bigger picture, I am extending you mercy. Everything is about to change when I secure the Soul Heart. Since it is clear that you are not here to support the cause, I am going to have to ask you to leave. You've taken enough of my time. Destiny calls to me, and I must answer.”
“You're insufferable... Guards, please take care of our guests. I'm going on ahead. Garren, you're with me.”
Soul Heart Chamber
“The Soul Heart! It's even more magnificent than what I imagined. I wish my grandfather were still here to see this.”
“The Soul Stream. Legends say that the Soul Heart created a network of Soul Crystals that stretch throughout the entire world, and is what gave this planet life.”
Mr. Ferrix and the player approach
“So you made it past my guards? The one time I need them most... How annoying.”
“What is there to talk about? The next step for humanity is waiting right in front of our eyes.”
“Yes, I'll admit that I am curious about how this great city ended up at the bottom of the ocean. However, if the stories of the Soul Heart are to be believed, then the power it possesses is that of creation, not destruction. I do not believe the terrible fate of this ancient civilization was wrought by the Soul Heart.”
“My reckless ambition is what has led me to my life's many great accomplishments. And besides, I promised my father that I would never give up on my ambitions. Not like he did...”
“Enough of this! If you pests are going to continue to delay me, then I have no choice but to put an end to this myself. We'll see whose resolve is stronger in a final battle between you and me.”
“Time to put an end to your tiring disruptions once and for all!” (Initates a battle with the player)
After defeating Dr. Vanta in battle
“No, this can't be happening... I can't keep letting you get in the way of my destiny! First you interfere with my plans to create an army of Loomians that can bring order to society. Now you get in my way as I discover the potential to evolve humanity! Who are you, anyway?! To have the audacity to interfere with my destiny—not once, but twice!”
“BUT WHY?! Why can't I surmount this one small challenge? I am revered for my many accomplishments. You puny nobodies should have no say in what I do. You have no right interfering with me and my path to glory!”
“You're wrong! People are weak and lazy. I thought my inventions would help to change that. I thought I could help those who couldn't help themselves. But I've done nothing but enable people to be even lazier and more dependent on technology. I have to fix what I and others have contributed to the decay of society.”
“That doesn't matter to me any more! Right now the only thing that matters is me taking the Soul Heart and shaping the perfect future!”
The rest of the group approach the Soul Heart
“Wait...” (Sees Starla and has flashbacks)
“It... It can't be... Was that-” (Interrupted by Starla's cry)
Dakuda Appears
“Well, nothing is going to stop me from leaving here with the Soul Heart. If that makes me its foe, then so be it. I cannot be stopped from fulfilling my destiny! Stratusoar, you're looking lively again! That thing over there needs to be eliminated for my plan to progress. Take it out!” (Gestures toward Dakuda, initiating a battle)
“Huh? What's going on? My LoomiWatch has never done this before... The Soul Crystal powering it is connecting with Stratusoar somehow. What happens if I interact with it now?” (Interacts with LoomiWatch)
“Amazing! We are already witnessing just a small portion of the Soul Heart's power! Imagine what we can do if we find a way to harness that power! Stratusoar, take him out!” (Gestures towards Dakuda again)
“Ha! The tables have turned! Nobody stands in the way of my destiny. Even the Soul Heart knows it! The Soul Heart has accepted me as its new master!”
After the player defeats Stratusoar with Dakuda
“No! The Soul Heart chose me to be its master! Why did it grant you its power too?”
“NO! I'M NOT LEAVING WITHOUT THE SOUL HEART!” (Rushes towards the Soul Heart)
“This power belongs to me and nobody else! With it, I will—” (Touches Soul Heart, which shatters and launches him backwards)
“The Soul Heart— W-what happened? It's... gone... And... this pain... COUGH! COUGH! Something... isn't right...”
“But... The Soul Heart... What's happening? I... I don't feel so good.”
“Yes... But the Soul Heart...”
“Ok...” (Rushes out of the chamber with Garren)

Written Works[]

Vanta Log 1
Found in Vantacorp Vault
“I often reflect on the tales my grandfather told me when I was young. Fantastical stories of how the Soul Stream and Soul Crystals were created. His tale has been passed down through our family for generations.”
“My fascination with this legend is what led to where I am now. I will show the world what I can do. I will discover the true potential of the Soul Crystals.”
“P.S In case I forget how to unlock the vault: Each color must each be dragged to the central bus. The order of the colors with respect to one another is of significance.”
Vanta Log 2
Found in Vantacorp Vault
“Today's tests were a success. We finally brought life to a Loomian that I have named "Mutagon". A Soul Crystal implanted directly into its body seems to have given it life as I had expected.”
“Despite finally achieving one of my greatest goals, I worry. This new life-form seems anxious, and it has a will of its own. This is something I did not account for. More testing will determine what we do next. Money is also getting short, and I am worried at this rate I will be unable to fund further development.”
“P.S Yellow must go higher on the bus than Blue.”
Vanta Log 3
Found in Vantacorp Vault
“Mutagon escaped our testing facility last night and fled into the nearby woods. This proves that it is incapable of being controlled or even compelled.”
“During its escape, it ran across a highway and caused a terrible car accident. The accident left a teenage girl without her parents, and herself, severely injured. Words cannot describe the turmoil this single event has stirred within my soul. But I must press on, for I know that one day I will be able to make a difference in this world. Fortunately, nobody witnessed the incident, and the police report mentions nothing of Vantacorp or Mutagon.”
“We dispatched a special team to locate and detain Mutagon. Bringing new Loomians to life has little purpose if they can't obey simple commands. In the wake of this devasting series of events, I have created a new plan. It may eventually save my small company. There may also be a way to make a little restitution for the damage caused by Mutagon.”
“P.S Red goes lower on the bus than Green.”
Vanta Log X
Found in Room #5 at POLUT Campus
“It has been a little over ten years since the accident. My plan to restart my company was a success. Today is actually the tenth anniversary of POLUT Corp.”
“Thanks to the revenue from our technology department's advanced cyber gear, funding for my newest projects has been steady. Fabricating "partially organic," i.e. biomechanical, Loomians is our greatest accomplishment. These Loomians are designed, manufactured, and programmed to be obedient. They serve different roles that will help clean up the unfortunate, messy by-products of developing our cyber tech.”
“After enough successful trials with these artificial Loomians, I will finally be back to work on creating a stronger, this time obedient, life-form. I believe it will elevate this company to even higher heights.”
“In the wake of my success, I sometimes remember my failure all those years ago. That... thing is now locked away deep within the earth, in a place which I will never have to set foot again. My failure can finally be put behind me, as I continue to bless this fallen world with my magnificent inventions.”


Image Loomian Type Level Ability Item EXP TP Yield
Trainer: Dr. Vanta (The Lost City - Temple Ruins) Full Battle!Full Battle!Full Battle!Full Battle!Full Battle! Reward:
Tyrecks MetalMetal Metal
EarthEarth Earth
Lv. 46 Terrifying None 1737 2 Melee Attack
1 Melee Defense
Moves: Earthquake, Steel Crusher, Sharpen, Complete Demolition
Samarine WaterWater Water
MetalMetal Metal
Lv. 46 Rev Up None 1249 1 Health
1 Melee Attack
Moves: Sharpen, Aqua Jaws, Steel Crusher, Thunder Chomp
AncientAncient Ancient
MindMind Mind
Lv. 47 Enchanted Coat None 762 1 Ranged Attack
Moves: Meteor Crash, Psycho Blast, Peace of Mind, Hypnotize
Protogon MetalMetal Metal Lv. 47 Analyze None 883 1 Speed
Moves: Dart Burst, Thunderstrike, Energy Surge, Steel Crusher
Stratusoar MetalMetal Metal
AirAir Air
Lv. 48 Toxic Filter  ς  None 1350 1 Ranged Attack
1 Ranged Defense
Moves: Metal Blast, Jet Stream, Magnify, Energy Surge
Trainer: Dr. Vanta (The Lost City - Temple Ruins) Capture Disc Reward: N/A
MetalMetal Metal
AirAir Air
Lv. 47 Turbulent
Stratusoar holds Stratuburst.
1321 ?
Moves: Airstrike
There was no change to the above matches between any of the updates.


  • The gear-shaped charm on Dr. Vanta's necktie looks exactly identical to a Time Gear, an object from the Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon series of games.
  • Dr. Vanta's name may come from "vantablack," an extremely dark substance, highlighting his position as an antagonist.
  • Dr. Vanta previously had a completely different design, with a different hairstyle and outfit. He was later remodelled to the current design.

