Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki

Experience is a value held by Loomians that grows as they battle. When Loomians gain enough experience, they gain a level, increasing their combat ability and, in some species, inducing evolution. Experience can be gained until reaching the level cap, which is currently at 50.

Experience Group[]

Different species belong to different experience groups, which determine how much experience must be earned before gaining a level. This group remains the same through the entire evolutionary family. When a Loomian is captured from the wild or rallied, it has the minimum amount of experience needed for its species to reach that level.

Group Name Species Included (by base evolution) Total Exp
Lv. 25 Lv. 50
Fast Pyder, Antsee, Pwuff 12500 100000
Medium Fast Twilat, Cathorn, Grubby, Kleptyke, Babore, Kabunga, Rakrawla, Gumpod, Phancub, Whispup, Cafnote, Burroach, Chompactor, Poochrol, Goppie, Pyke, Zaleo, Dobo, Kyogo, Ampole, Swimp, Ceratot, Cupoink, Mochibi, Gwurm, Snagull, Cavenish, Kanki, Sharpod, Lumica, Polypi, Taoshi, Kittone, Boonary, Somata, Cinnaboo, Swirelle, Swishy, Bunpuff, Volpup, Impkin, Mistlebud, Cryocub, Wispur, Sherbot, Llamba, Fentern, Singeel, Crabushi, Skampi, Dokan, Kayute, Nautling, Yutiny, Venile, Nymvolt, Goswing, Banooh, Grievestone, Jimby 15625 125000
Medium Slow Beginner Loomians, Twittle, Geklow, Shawchi, Skilava, Craytal, Gobbidemic, Icigool, Whimpor, Territi, Scorb, Wiledile, Hydrini, Pipsee, Vari, Copling, Spirivii, Snowl, Makame, Dractus, Kyeggo, Smoal, Teripod, Mirrami, Leopaw, Eyebrella, Lissen, Lantot, Milgoo, Spirwix, Wassel, Elephage, Cosmiore 11735 117360
Slow Slugling, Igneol, Pyramind, Operaptor, Cicalute, Duskit, Ikazune, Protogon, Dakuda, Cosmeleon, Mutagon, Cephalops, Arceros, Glacadia, Novadeaus, Morphezu, Behemoroth, Leviatross, Nymaurae, Nymesis, Metronette, Nevermare, Gargolem, Odoyaga, Wabalisc, Akhalos, Celesting, Mimask, Grimyuline 19531 156250

Experience per group[]

The following table shows total experience and experience needed to reach the next level for each level and group.

Experience table
Total experience To next level
Fast Medium Fast Medium Slow Slow Level Fast Medium Fast Medium Slow Slow
0 0 0 0 1 6 8 9 10
6 8 9 10 2 15 19 48 23
21 27 57 33 3 30 37 39 47
51 64 96 80 4 49 61 39 76
100 125 135 156 5 72 91 44 114
172 216 179 270 6 102 127 57 158
274 343 236 428 7 135 169 78 212
409 512 314 640 8 174 217 105 271
583 729 419 911 9 217 271 141 339
800 1000 560 1250 10 264 331 182 413
1064 1331 742 1663 11 318 397 231 497
1382 1728 973 2160 12 375 469 288 586
1757 2197 1261 2746 13 438 547 351 684
2195 2744 1612 3430 14 505 631 423 788
2700 3375 2035 4218 15 576 721 500 902
3276 4096 2535 5120 16 654 817 585 1021
3930 4913 3120 6141 17 735 919 678 1149
4665 5832 3798 7290 18 822 1027 777 1283
5487 6859 4575 8573 19 913 1141 885 1427
6400 8000 5460 10000 20 1008 1261 998 1576
7408 9261 6458 11576 21 1110 1387 1119 1734
8518 10648 7577 13310 22 1215 1519 1248 1898
9733 12167 8825 15208 23 1326 1657 1383 2072
11059 13824 10208 17280 24 1441 1801 1527 2251
12500 15625 11735 19531 25 1560 1951 1676 2439
14060 17576 13411 21970 26 1686 2107 1833 2633
15746 19683 15244 24603 27 1815 2269 1998 2837
17561 21952 17242 27440 28 1950 2437 2169 3046
19511 24389 19411 30486 29 2089 2611 2349 3264
21600 27000 21760 33750 30 2232 2791 2534 3488
23832 29791 24294 37238 31 2382 2977 2727 3722
26214 32768 27021 40960 32 2535 3169 2928 3961
28749 35937 29949 44921 33 2694 3367 3135 4209
31443 39304 33084 49130 34 2857 3571 3351 4463
34300 42875 36435 53593 35 3024 3781 3572 4727
37324 46656 40007 58320 36 3198 3997 3801 4996
40522 50653 43808 63316 37 3375 4219 4038 5274
43897 54872 47846 68590 38 3558 4447 4281 5558
47455 59319 52127 74148 39 3745 4681 4533 5852
51200 64000 56660 80000 40 3936 4921 4790 6151
55136 68921 61450 86151 41 4134 5167 5055 6459
59270 74088 66505 92610 42 4335 5419 5328 6773
63605 79507 71833 99383 43 4542 5677 5607 7097
68147 85184 77440 106480 44 4753 5941 5895 7426
72900 91125 83335 113906 45 4968 6211 6188 7764
77868 97336 89523 121670 46 5190 6487 6489 8108
83058 103823 96012 129778 47 5415 6769 6798 8462
88473 110592 102810 138240 48 5646 7057 7113 8821
94119 117649 109923 147061 49 5881 7351 7437 9189
100000 125000 117360 156250 50 (CAP) 6120 7651 7766 9563

Experience Gain[]

When a Loomian is defeated in battle, an amount of experience is awarded that is influenced by many factors. In order to earn experience from an opponent's defeat, a Loomian must have either participated in the battle against that opponent and not already fainted, or be on the trainer's bench. The Experience Boost can allow non-fainted Loomians to earn experience even while not participating in battle. Whenever a Loomian earns experience, they also earn Training Points equivalent to the defeated Loomian's TP yield unless their specific or overall limits for TPs have already been met.

The formula for experience gain is as follows:

  • b is the base experience yield of the defeated Loomian
  • L is the level of the defeated Loomian
  • e represents the Experience Gained Loomiboost
    • 1 if inactive
    • 2 if active
  • w represents the battle type
  • I represents ID
    • 1 if the current owner is its original owner
    • 1.5 if the current owner is another trainer
  • M represents any multipliers from Trainer Mastery
    • 1 if Trainer Mastery Level is 43 or lower
    • 1.1 if Trainer Mastery Level is 44-57
    • 1.2 if Trainer Mastery Level is 58 or higher
  • p represents participation
    • 1 if participated in battle and not fainted
    • 0.75 if on bench and Experience Boost is on
    • 0.5 if not participated, but in party and Experience Boost is on
    • 0.25 if on bench and Experience Boost is off
    • 0 if fainted, or if not participated, but in party and Experience Boost is off
  • C represents the Ability Carol
    • 1 if Loomian in first slot of party does not have the Ability Carol
    • 1.1 if Loomian in first slot of party has the Ability Carol

Values are rounded down to the nearest whole number.


A trainer encounters a wild, corrupt, Level 18 Ikazune with his or her originally caught Wiki-Wiki. The Wiki-Wiki faints and is replaced by a Boarrok from a different trainer, which defeats the corrupt Ikazune. The trainer also has a Slugling from another trainer in their party and an originally caught Shawchi on their bench. Experience Boost is turned on. Experience Gained Loomiboost is not active.

Ikazune's base experience yield is 315. At Level 18, this becomes 202.5. Because it was corrupt, it is further tripled to 607.5.

Since the Wiki-Wiki fainted, it earns no experience. The Boarrok that participated gets additional experience for being from a different trainer, rounding down to 911 experience. The Slugling did not participate, but still receives experience from the Experience Boost and is boosted for being from a different trainer, rounding down to 455 experience. The Shawchi on the bench receives 455 experience as well.


Player & Player's Loomian Opponent
Participation: Battle Type: 
Mastery Lvl:  Base Exp. Yield:
Traded: Exp. Boost: LoomiBoost: Carol: Level:
Calculate Exp. Yield: 7


See Also[]
