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Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki

Fishing Rod is a Key Item introduced in Loomian Legacy - Veils of Shadow that is used in bodies of water to fish.

Obtaining Method[]

State Item Obtaining Location
Fishing Rod
Fishing Rod Obtained from Jake at the end of a cutscene on Route 8.
There was no change to the above items between any of the updates.


Bob's Pond Fishing Rods

Different Fishing Rod selection at Bob's Pond.

In Battle[]

Fishing Rod has no effect in battle.


The Fishing Rod allows the player to fish in any body of water that is close enough to be reached. When something pops up, a minigame requiring the player to connect five dots appears. The player has five seconds to complete each one, and each completion adds two seconds to the timer. The player must complete the minigame three times before the timer runs out or the cast fails. If the player has unlocked Fishing Proficiency from Trainer Mastery Level 25, the minigame only needs to be completed twice, and if the player has unlocked Fishing Proficiency+ from Trainer Mastery Level 67, the minigame only needs to be completed once. The following are the Loomians found in each body of water:

Location Loomian
Mitis Town Goppie
Route 2 Goppie, Swimp
Route 4 Goppie, Swimp
Route 5 None
Heiwa Village Goppie
Route 8 Goppie, Pwuff
Lotusun Beach Goppie, Pwuff, Cavenish, Sharpod
Note: Musty Boots, Rusty Cans, Junk Tires, and Worn Ropes can also be reeled up while fishing here.
Bob's Pond Goppie
Note: Different variations of Goppie can be found here.
Atlanthian City - Living District None
Uhnne Fair None
Sweet Retreat Goppie, Swishy, Gumpod
Trick Retreat Goppie, Swishy
Green Ring Fishing

A green ring appearing around JamiyJamie that signals the Gleaming chance bonus.

If the player completes the minigame before the timer reaches halfway, a green ring will appear before the encounter to indicate a 25% increase in chance for obtaining a Gleaming Loomian. The following are the chances with boosts active:

Boosts Alpha Gamma
Fishing Bonus 1/3277 (0.03%) 1/16380 (0.006%)
Fishing Bonus + Gleaming Charm 1/1638 (0.06%) 1/8192 (0.01%)
Fishing Bonus + Gleaming Encounters ×16 LoomiBoost 1/205 (0.49%) 1/1024 (0.10%)
Fishing Bonus + Loomiboost + Charm 1/102 (0.98%) 1/512 (0.20%)


Game Description
VoS An ordinary fishing rod that empowers you to discover extraordinary Loomians.


Loomian Legacy - Veils of Shadow
v0.4.3c Fishing Proficiency and Fishing Proficiency+ added to Trainer Mastery at Levels 25 and 67, respectively.
v0.3.4 Fishing Rod was added to the game.

