Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki

Items are objects that can be collected or purchased throughout the game. Some items can only be purchased if the player completes sidequests or are a certain level in Trainer Mastery.


Once a player obtains an item, they can perform up to three actions: use, equip and toss.

  • When an item is used on a Loomian, that item is consumed and its effect is applied to that Loomian, with the exception of Move Manuals which do not get consumed when used. Items that do not have an effect when consumed by a Loomian do not have the "use" option.
  • When an item is given to a Loomian, that Loomian holds the item. All items other than Move Manuals, Key Items, Saddles, Burst Crystals, and certain other items have the "equip" option, though when using a Burst Crystal on its compatible Loomian, that Loomian will equip the item. Only certain items, notably those in the Held Items category, will have an effect when held. A player can take an item that a Loomian is holding by pressing on that Loomian's icon in the Items app or in Loomian Care.
    • Note: When releasing a Loomian that holds an item, the player will lose that item.
  • When an item is tossed, the player discards that item. All items other than Move Manuals, Key Items, Saddles, Burst Crystals, and certain other items have the "toss" option.

List of Items[]

The following is a list of all the items that have been added so far. They are organized by their categories. Items that are part of an event are demarked with a gray background.

Introduced in Loomian Legacy - Veils of Shadow[]

Stored In Item Effects Obtaining Locations
Kabunga Coffee
Gives the holder a 10% chance to replenish 1/8 of its max Energy per turn. Evolves Fentern into Weaselin when held by one and reaching Level 18. Battle Shop
Kabunga Coffee  (×1)
Mysterious Dust
Gives the holder a 1/3 chance to be cured of any major status ailments it has every turn. Battle Shop
Energy Orb
Decreases the Energy Cost of the holder's moves by 25%. Battle Shop
Drain Orb
Increases the Health drained from Health-draining moves by 20%. Battle Shop
Heavy Shackles
Makes the holder go last in battle. Battle Shop
Power Cuffs
Increases the damage of the holder's offensive attacks by 20% and Energy Cost by 25%. Battle Shop
Heavy Shield
Decreases the damage of Ranged Attacks done to the holder by 20%, but increases the Energy Cost of the holder's moves by 15%. Battle Shop
Heavy Armor
Decreases the damage of Melee Attacks done to the holder by 20%, but increases the Energy Cost of the holder's moves by 15%. Battle Shop
Thunder Orb
Paralyzes the holder. Battle Shop
Volcanic Ash
Burns the holder. Battle Shop
Health Amulet
The holder recovers 1/16 of its max Health every turn. Battle Shop
Increases the damage of the holder's offensive moves of a certain type by 20%, depending on the Essence. Battle Shop
Mystic Wand
Increases the Strength of Ranged Attacks by 50% when held by a Shawchi. Wild Shawchi
Drop of Youth
Boosts the Ranged and Melee Defense stats of the holder by 50% but prevents it from evolving. Has no effect if the holder is fully evolved. Sepharite Junkyard (×1)
Battle Shop 
Strong Magnet
Pulls Metal-type moves towards the holder in battle. Can be used in Galvanite Cave to encounter Copling or obtain Copper Nugget. Wild Scorb
Protein Shake
Doubles the Training Point a Loomian gains through battle when held. Sepharite City (×1)
Halves damage taken from a specific type of move once per battle. Junk 4 Junk
Raises the damage dealt from a specific type of move by 1.5x once per battle. Atlanthian Arcade
TP Reset
Increases the Training Points in a specific stat of a Loomian by 20 points. Unobtainable
Prevents the user from encountering wild Loomians for 200 steps. Loomian Goods (
Route 6  (×3)
Evolves Geklow into Eleguana or Amphiton into Meditoad when used on. 2019 Holiday Event
Battle Shop 
Trainer Mastery  (×1)
Levels up a Loomian when used on it. If the Loomian is at level 50 and is not in its fully evolved form, it will begin to evolve. Trainer Mastery (×89)
Sepharite City  (×2)
Battle Shop 
Lotusun Beach  (×3)
Atlanthian City - Living District  (×6)
Lucky Wheel  (×3)
Raid Battles 
Aranatta Trench  (×5)
Tennis Ticket Exchange  (×10)
Ancient Scepter
Evolves Pyramind into Pharoglyph when used on. Battle Shop
Trainer Mastery  (×1)
Molted Claw
Evolves Coonucopia into Terraclaw when held by one and reaching Level 18. Use Molt
Wisp Bottle
Changes a Gamma Gleaming Loomian's wisp coloration to a random wisp. Cannot be used on a Loomian with a rainbow wisp and cannot create a rainbow wisp. Loomian Goods (20 R$ for 1)
Loomian Goods  (180 R$ for 10)
Lucky Wheel 
Tennis Ticket Exchange  (×3)
Creates a Loomian when three corresponding pieces are matched together. Some Petroliths create a Loomian from only one piece. Lagoona Lake
Exchane Gem
Evolves Loomians that normally evolve through trading. Lagoona Lake
Glimmering Scale
Evolves Goppie into Arapaigo when used on. Lagoona Lake
Copper Nugget
Evolves Copperage into Oxidrake when used on. Galvanite Cave
Rageful Plushie
A Loomian equipped with Rageful Plushie, when strucked by a super-effective move, will become enraged, greatly boosting its Melee Attack and Ranged Attack. Atlanthian Arcade
Clutch Plushie
When equipped, a Loomian at full Health may barely withstand an attack that would otherwise knock it out. The item will be used up for the remainder of the battle, and the holder will lose one-tenth of its energy. Atlanthian Arcade
Specialty Boots
A Loomian equipped with Specialty Boots will have increased Speed, but will only be able to use the first move it uses in battle. Atlanthian Arcade
Specialty Gloves
A Loomian equipped with Specialty Gloves will have increased Melee Attack, but will only be able to use the first move it uses in battle. Atlanthian Arcade
Specialty Goggles
A Loomian equipped with Specialty Goggles will have increased Ranged Attack, but will only be able to use the first move it uses in battle. Atlanthian Arcade
Chocolate Bar
Reduces the Energy consumption of the first move a Loomian uses in a battle to zero. Head Chef's Goodies
Battle Shop 
If the possessor drops below 50% Health, it restores 25% of its maximum Health. Head Chef's Goodies
Battle Shop 
Small Med
Restores 20 Health when used on a Loomian. Loomian Goods (
Loomian Laboratory  (×5)
Cheshma Town  (×3)
Medium Med
Restores 50 Health when used on a Loomian. Loomian Goods (
Route 4  (×3)
Large Med
Restores 200 Health when used on a Loomian. Aranatta Trench (×5)
Loomian Goods  (
Cures Poison when used on a Loomian. Loomian Goods (
Burn Gel
Cures Burn when used on a Loomian. Loomian Goods (
Kanoko Village  (×3)
Paralysis Potion
Cures Paralysis when used on a Loomian. Loomian Goods (
Increases the Unique Points of a certain stat of a Loomian by 10 points when used, depending on the Shard. Corrupt Loomian
Trainer Mastery  (×42)
Bob's Pond  (×28)
Milo's Market  (×10)
Raid Battles 
Dark Shard
Decreases the Unique Points of a certain stat of a Loomian by 10 points when used, depending on the Dark Shard. Junk 4 Junk
Fossilized Shard
Increases the Unique Points of a certain stat of a Loomian by 2 points when used, depending on the Shard. Lagoona Lake
Training Gummy
Increases the Training Points in a specific stat of a Loomian by 10 points. Battle Shop
Trainer Mastery  (×910)
Dr. Haloine's Sweet Exchange 
Mr. Jolly's Cookie Exchange 
Head Chef's Goodies 
Easter Eggschange 
Peppermint Swap 
Tennis Ticket Exchange 
Capture Disc
Has a chance of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown. Loomian Goods (
Loomian Laboratory  (×5)
Cheshma Town  (×2)
Expert Disc
Has the same chance as a Capture Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Trainer Mastery (×34)
Adv. Disc
Has a higher chance than the Capture Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown. Loomian Goods (
Silvent City  (×2)
Route 5  (×5)
Heiwa Village  (×5)
Hyper Disc
Has a much higher chance than the Capture Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown. Loomian Goods (
Trainer Mastery  (×20)
Route 6  (×5)
Route 7  (×5)
Voidstone Disc
Has a high chance of catching a Loomian of a certain type, depending on the disc. Kell's Shop
Wheel Disc
A special type of Capture Disc. Its luck at capturing Loomians is unparalleled. Lucky Wheel (×3)
Heart Disc
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Codes (×20)
Ace Disc
Has a 100% chance of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown. Loomian Goods (50 R$ for 1)
Loomian Goods  (450 R$ for 10)
Celebration Disc V
Has a 100% chance of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown. Codes (×1)
Allows certain Loomians to learn certain moves, depending on the Move Manual. Trainer Mastery (×4)
Gale Forest  (×1)
Route 1  (×1)
POLUT Campus  (×1)
Lotusun Beach  (×3)
Atlanthian Arcade  (×7)
Battle Shop  (×3)
Aranatta Trench  (×2)
Scorb Part
Evolves and teaches moves to the Scorb family when given to scientist in Room #2 of the interior of POLUT Campus. Wild Scorb
Used to craft Voidstone Discs at Kell's Shop. Lagoona Lake
Route 8  (×10)
UMV Battery
Gives the player one dive at the POLUT Underwater Mining Lab. UML (10–45 R$)
Trainer Mastery  (×14)
Route 8  (×1)
Lucky Wheel 
Aranatta Trench  (×3)
Codes  (×8)
Atlanthian Arcade 
Battle Shop 
Ocean Junk
Used to trade for items at Junk 4 Junk. Worn Rope junk used to evolve Propae into Sumobito when held. Lotusun Beach
Used to purchase special Loomians from the Voucher Shop. Ranked Battle Rewards
Key Items
Closet Key
Gives access to the storage closet in Loomian Laboratory. Loomian Laboratory (×1)
Key Items
POLUT Silver Keycard
Allows the player to enter Rooms #2 and Room #3 in the interior of POLUT Campus. Sepharite City (×1)
Key Items
Dubious Sushi
Causes the guard blocking the interior of POLUT Campus to use the restroom, allowing the player to go inside. Sepharite City (×1)
Key Items
POLUT Gold Keycard
Allows the player to enter Rooms #1, Room #4 and the testing lab in the interior of POLUT Campus. POLUT Campus (×1)
Key Items
Vantacorp Keycard
Allows the player to enter the elevator booth on Route 7 to Vantacorp Vault. POLUT Campus (×1)
Key Items
Fishing Rod
Allows the player to fish. Route 8 (×1)
Key Items
Deeplake Relic
Opens the gate to Deeplake Tomb when all six are acquired. Lagoona Lake
Key Items
Atlanthian Travel Pass
Used to travel in submarines from Lotusun Beach to Atlanthian City. Lotusun Beach
Key Items
Huge Plushie
A massive Weevolt plushie sold by Atlanthian Arcade in limited quantities. Atlanthian Arcade (
Key Items
Lost Coin
For one, a lost coin. For another, a found coin. So which is it, really? Atlanthian Arcade
Key Items
Arcade Key
A key to the storage closet at Atlanthian Arcade. Atlanthian City - Living District
Key Items
Magic Chisel
Changes Gargolem from its Base form to its Attack form, from its Attack form to its Defense form, from its Defense form to its Speed form, and from its Speed form back to its Base form. Uhnne Fair
Battle Shop 
Key Items
Silvent Sub
Used to feed Reggie's Choochew as part of a sidequest. Silvent City
Key Items
Heiwa Ramen
Used to feed Reggie's Choochew as part of a sidequest. Heiwa Village
Key Items
Sepharite Bagel
Used to feed Reggie's Choochew as part of a sidequest. Sepharite City
Key Items
Opens the gate to Judgement's Keep when all six are acquired. The Lost City (×1)
Raid Battles  (×5)
Key Items
Obsidian Seal
Used to fuse Arceros with Glacadia to form Novadeaus. Judgement's Keep
Key Items
Enables new items to be obtainable from Lagoona Lake. Sidequests
Key Items
Experience Boost
Increases experience gained by the player's Loomians that did not participate in battle and benched Loomians. Roblox Catalog (50 R$)
Key Items
Ability Charm
Gives the player a 1/256 chance of encountering a wild Loomian with Special Abilities and increases the chance of rallying one to 1/128. Roblox Catalog (350 R$)
Key Items
Roaming Charm
Doubles the chance of encountering a Roaming Loomian and Corrupt Loomian. Roblox Catalog (450 R$)
Key Items
Gleaming Charm
Doubles the chance of encountering a Gleaming Loomian. Roblox Catalog (400 R$)
Key Items
Rally Charm
Increases rallying slots from three to nine and reduces rally times by 25%. Roblox Catalog (400 R$)
Key Items
Bob's Bait
Allows the player to encounter Goppie in tiers four and five at Bob's Pond. Roblox Catalog (150 R$)
Allows the player to mount a species of Loomian, depending on the Saddle. Sawyer's Saddles (×8)
First Anniversary Event  (×1)
Dr. Haloine's Sweet Exchange  (×3)
Trainer Mastery  (×1)
Mr. Jolly's Cookie Exchange  (×3)
Head Chef's Goodies  (×3)
Bob's Pond  (×1)
Crashed Cosmiore's Meteorite Exchange  (×2)
Junk 4 Junk  (×1)
Atlanthian Arcade  (×5)
Easter Eggschange  (×1)
Raid Battles  (×6)
Fourth Anniversary Event  (×1)
Sidequests  (×1)
Codes  (×1)
Peppermint Swap  (×2)
Tennis Ticket Exchange  (×2)
Fifth Anniversary Event  (×1)
B. Crystals
Burst Crystal
Allows Loomians to Soul Burst in battle when their respective Burst Crystal is held. The Lost City (×1)
Raid Battles  (×9)
Lagoona Lake  (×2)
Nightmare Orb
Evolves Halloween Kabunga into Waka-Laka when held by one and then traded. Dr. Haloine's Sweet Exchange
Peppermint Swap 
Head Chef's Goodies 
Decorative Lights
Evolves Holiday Craytal into Festifir when held by one and then traded, or Mistlebud into Hollibunch when used on it. Mr. Jolly's Cookie Exchange
Dr. Haloine's Sweet Exchange 
Peppermint Swap 
Head Chef's Goodies 
Angel Food Cake
Summons Nymaurae when placed at the pedestal in Sweet Retreat. Head Chef's Goodies
Birthday Candle
Evolves Cupoink into Hoganosh when used on. Head Chef's Goodies
Sweets Jar
Evolves Valentine's or Sweets Phancub into Ursnac when used on. Head Chef's Goodies
When used on a Loomian, the bond with its trainer increases a little. Wild Valentine's Antsee
Codes  (×1)
Fractured Crown
Used to evolve Doreggo into Dreggodyne. Raid Battles
Radianite Egg
Used to give Dreggodyne a radiant effect. Raid Battles
Devil's Food Cake
Summons Nymesis when placed at the pedestal in Sweet Retreat. Head Chef's Goodies
Spooky Disc
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Dr. Haloine's Sweet Exchange
Raid Battles 
Snowflake Disc
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Mr. Jolly's Cookie Exchange
Jolly Festival 
Raid Battles 
Full Heart Disc
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Head Chef's Goodies
Raid Battles 
Broken Heart Disc
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Head Chef's Goodies
Raid Battles 
Meteor Disc
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing wild Loomians when thrown, but looks different. Crashed Cosmiore's Meteorite Exchange
Pumpkin Disc
Has an increased chance of catching Nevermare when thrown. Uhnne Fair
Raid Battles 
Candy Disc
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Dr. Haloine's Sweet Exchange
Raid Battles 
Frost Blossom Disc
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Mr. Jolly's Cookie Exchange
Jolly Festival 
Raid Battles 
Waba Disc
Has a higher chance than a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown. Jolly Village
Raid Battles 
Coal Disc
Has a lower chance than a Capture Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown. Mr. Jolly's Cookie Exchange
Raid Battles 
Donut Disc
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Head Chef's Goodies
Lollipop Disc
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Head Chef's Goodies
C.C. Cookie Disc
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Head Chef's Goodies
Skeleton Disc
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Uhnne Fair
Raid Battles 
Metro Disc
Has an increased chance of catching Metronette when thrown. Uhnne Fair
Raid Battles 
Metro Disc G
Has a significantly increased chance of catching Metronette when thrown. Uhnne Fair
Pumpkin Disc W
Has a significantly increased chance of catching Nevermare when thrown. Uhnne Fair
Egg Disc E
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Easter Eggschange
Egg Disc K
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Easter Eggschange
Fab Disc
Has an increased chance of catching Kyeggo when thrown. Easter Eggschange
Treasure Disc
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Raid Battles
Crown Disc
Has a higher chance of capturing a wild Loomian than a Hyper Disc when thrown. Raid Battles
Omni Disc
This disc is guaranteed to capture a Loomian when thrown. Bob's Pond (×3)
Codes  (×1)
Tennis Ticket Exchange  (×1)
Haunted Disc
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Dr. Haloine's Sweet Exchange
Raid Battles 
Swolder Web Disc
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Dr. Haloine's Sweet Exchange
Raid Battles 
Baba Disc
Has an increased chance of catching Odoyaga when thrown. Haunted Village
Raid Battles 
Nova Disc
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Peppermint Swap
Jingle Disc
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Jolly Festival
Raid Battles 
Mask Disc
Has an increased chance of catching Mimask when thrown. Jolly Festival
Raid Battles 
Mask Disc G
Has a significantly increased chance of catching Mimask when thrown. Jolly Festival
Celebration Disc B
This disc is guaranteed to capture a Loomian when thrown. Jolly Festival (×1)
Rainbow Disc
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Tennis Ticket Exchange
Harp Disc
Has an increased chance of catching Nymaurae when thrown. Sweet Sanctuary
Haunted Woods 
Trident Disc
Has an increased chance of catching Nymesis when thrown. Sweet Sanctuary
Haunted Woods 
Eye Disc
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing wild Loomians when thrown, but looks different. Sweet Sanctuary
Haunted Woods 
Star Disc
Has the same chance as a Hyper Disc of capturing a wild Loomian when thrown, but looks different. Jolly Village
Grim Disc
Has an increased chance of catching Grimyuline when thrown. Jolly Village
Grim Disc F
Has a significantly increased chance of catching Grimyuline when thrown. Jolly Village
Stellar Disc
Stellar Disc
Has an increased chance of catching Celesting when thrown. Raid Battles
Celebration Disc G
This disc is guaranteed to capture a Loomian when thrown. Jolly Village (×1)
Used as currency in Mr. Jolly's Cookie Exchange. Jolly Village
Spooky Treat
Used as currency in Dr. Haloine's Sweet Exchange. Dr. Haloine's Nightmare
Jolly Cookie
Used as currency in Mr. Jolly's Cookie Exchange. Jolly Village
Boosts one of Cosmiore's stats' UP by one when used on one of the same color. Also used as currency in Crashed Cosmiore's Meteorite Exchange and Milo's Market. Meteor Showers
Changes Cosmiore from its Unleashed form to its Cracked form, and from its Cracked form to its Encased form when used again. Also used as currency in Milo's Market Meteor Showers
Changes Cosmiore from its Encased form to its Cracked form, and from its Cracked form to its Unleashed form when used again. Meteor Showers
Candy Corn
Used as currency in Dr. Haloine's Sweet Exchange. Uhnne Fair
Easter Egg
Used as currency in Easter Eggschange. Roria
Raid Battles 
Used as currency in Dr. Haloine's Sweet Exchange. Haunted Village
This item has no usage or effects. Haunted Village
Used as currency in Peppermint Swap. Jolly Festival
Jolly Village 
Tennis Ticket
Used as currency in Tennis Ticket Exchange. Loomunity Park
Key Items
Gate Key
Opens the gate leading to the mineshaft in Jolly Village, where Wabalisc can be caught. Jolly Village
Key Items
Spoo Key
Opens the mausoleum door in Uhnne Fair Cemetery, where Nevermare can be caught. Uhnne Fair
Key Items
Jolly Mallet
Rings the bell in the center of Jolly Village, giving access to a cave where Akhalos can be caught. Jolly Village
Key Items
A tuft of fur which can be combined with others to create a special material. Igneus Hollow
Route 3 
Route 8 
Gale Forest 
Lotusun Beach 
Route 5 
Key Items
Mansion Key
Opens the mansion gate in Uhnne Fair Cemetery, where Gargolem can be caught. Uhnne Fair
Key Items
Jolly Star
Given to Mr. Jolly's helper to finish decorating the tree and summon Celesting, where it can be caught. Jolly Village
Key Items
A fish scale which can be combined with others to create a special item. Bob's Pond
Key Items
Haunted Gate Key
Opens the gate leading to the witch's hut in Haunted Village, where Odoyaga can be caught. Haunted Village
Key Items
Broken Mask
Used with Mask Fragment to encounter Mimask. Jolly Festival
Key Items
Mask Fragment
Used with Broken Mask to encounter Mimask. Jolly Festival
Key Items
Snow Shovel
Used to dig up the mound of snow in Jolly Festival and reveal the "A Chilling Surprise" Raid Battle. Jolly Festival
Key Items
Jolly Key
Opens the gate to Mr. Jolly's house in Jolly Village, where Grimyuline can be caught. Jolly Village