Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki
For a complete description of Abilities and Abilities sorted by Loomians, see Ability.

Abilities are aspects of Loomians that can have effects in battle and in the overworld. Abilities may be Regular or Secret, the latter being much harder to obtain than the former.

List of Loomians by Abilities[]

The following is a list of Loomians by their abilities.

ID Icon Loomian Regular 1 Regular 2 Secret
001 Embit Embit Awakening Terrifying
002 Rabburn Rabburn Awakening Terrifying
003 Searknight Searknight Awakening Terrifying
004 Dripple Dripple Awakening Power Napper
005 Reptide Reptide Awakening Power Napper
006 Luminami Luminami Awakening Power Napper
007 Fevine Fevine Awakening Thriving Pace
008 Felver Felver Awakening Thriving Pace
009 Tahtab Tahtab Awakening Thriving Pace
010 Eaglit Eaglit Awakening Applied Frustration
011 Torprey Torprey Awakening Applied Frustration
012 Falkyrie Falkyrie Awakening Applied Frustration
013 Vambat Vambat Awakening Sharp Claws
014 Dimpire Dimpire Awakening Sharp Claws
015 Vesperatu Vesperatu Awakening Sharp Claws
016 Snocub Snocub Awakening Staunch
017 Snowki Snowki Awakening Staunch
018 Himbrr Himbrr Awakening Staunch
019 Weevolt Weevolt Awakening Brute Force
020 Stozap Stozap Awakening Brute Force
021 Zuelong Zuelong Awakening Brute Force
022 Twilat Twilat Confidence Territorial Neutralize
023 Umbrat Umbrat Confidence Dusk Overshadow
024 Luxoar Luxoar Confidence Dawn Illuminate
025 Tiklipse Tiklipse Circadian Total Eclipse
026 Cathorn Cathorn Hasty Defensive Priority
027 Propae Propae Hasty Defensive Priority
028 Cynamoth Cynamoth Mystery Toxins Flutter
029 Sumobito Sumobito Guru Double Strike
030 Twittle Twittle Confidence Early Bird Rev Up
031 Paratweet Paratweet Confidence Early Bird Rev Up
032 Avitross Avitross Confidence Early Bird Rev Up
033 Pyder Pyder Apprehension Webbing Coursing Venom
034 Swolder Swolder Apprehension Webbing Coursing Venom
035 Antsee Antsee Mystery Toxins Woodsman Drainage
036 Florant Florant Mystery Toxins Woodsman Drainage
036 Florant (Flychomp) Florant
Power Jaw No Secret Ability
037 Grubby Grubby Odd Husk Premonition Defensive Priority
038 Coonucopia Coonucopia Odd Husk Premonition Defensive Priority
039 Terrafly Terrafly Odd Husk Ambush Bug Fever
040 Terraclaw Terraclaw Odd Husk Pincer Trap Slick Shell
041 Kleptyke Kleptyke Apprehension Burglar Ability Thief
042 Ragoon Ragoon Apprehension Burglar Ability Thief
043 Babore Babore Boast Resilience
044 Boarrok Boarrok Boast Resilience
045 Geklow Geklow Lightning Rod Radiance Prismatic
046 Eleguana Eleguana Lightning Rod Radiance Prismatic
047 Slugling Slugling Mystery Toxins Ungracious Host Slimy
048 Escargrow Escargrow Mystery Toxins Ungracious Host Slimy
049 Gastroak Gastroak Mystery Toxins Ungracious Host Slimy
049 Gastroak (Terraform) Gastroak
Insulated No Secret Ability
050 Kabunga Kabunga Communication Territorial Noxious Weeds
050 Kabunga (Halloween) Kabunga
Communication Expertise Noxious Weeds
051 Wiki-Wiki Wiki-Wiki Communication Chaperone Noxious Weeds
052 Chartiki Chartiki Communication Inferno Noxious Weeds
053 Waka-Laka Waka-Laka Communication Expertise Enchanted Coat
054 Shawchi Shawchi Enchant Sharp Focus
055 Rakrawla Rakrawla Clutch Hasty Lazy
056 Sedimars Sedimars Clutch Hasty Lazy
057 Gumpod Gumpod Protective Shell Sharp Edges
058 Ventacean Ventacean Protective Shell Sharp Edges
059 Phancub Phancub Sharp Claws Adorable
059 Phancub (Valentine) Phancub
Ignorant Clingy
059 Phancub (Sweets) Phancub
Ignorant Clingy
060 Ursoul Ursoul Sharp Claws Terrifying
061 Ursnac Ursnac Tank Bursting Seams
062 Whispup Whispup Scorching Skin Temper Vengeance
063 Revenine Revenine Scorching Skin Temper Vengeance
064 Skilava Skilava Combustible Scorching Skin Pyro
065 Geksplode Geksplode Combustible Scorching Skin Pyro
066 Eruptidon Eruptidon Combustible Scorching Skin Pyro
066 Eruptidon (Magmadire) Eruptidon
Pyro Pro No Secret Ability
067 Craytal Craytal Volcanic Territorial Combustible
067 Craytal (Holiday) Craytal
Chill Parting Gift Regift
068 Krakaloa Krakaloa Volcanic Territorial Combustible
068 Krakaloa (Lavafiend) Krakaloa
Heat Summon No Secret Ability
069 Volkaloa Volkaloa Volcanic Territorial Combustible
070 Festifir Festifir Chill Parting Gift Regift
071 Igneol Igneol Premonition Sharp Edges Resilience
072 Chrysite Chrysite Premonition Sharp Edges Resilience
073 Obsidrugon Obsidrugon Premonition Sharp Edges Resilience
074 Cafnote (male) Cafnote
Virtuoso Territorial Brute Force
074 Cafnote (female) Cafnote
Virtuoso Adorable Tone Deaf
075 Trumbull Trumbull Virtuoso Territorial Brute Force
076 Mootune Mootune Virtuoso Adorable Tone Deaf
077 Gobbidemic Gobbidemic Immunized Baneful
078 Icigool Icigool Parting Gift Expertise Power Jaw
078 Icigool (Incarnate) Icigool
Party Trick No Secret Ability
079 Pyramind Pyramind Idiosyncratic Temper Contact Curse
080 Pharoglyph Pharoglyph Idiosyncratic Temper Contact Curse
081 Burroach Burroach Trash Armor Slimy Sharp Claws
082 Garbantis Garbantis Trash Armor Slimy Sharp Claws
083 Whimpor Whimpor Clutch Frail Armor Toxic Filter
084 Stratusoar Stratusoar Clutch Frail Armor Toxic Filter
084 Stratusoar (Jetwing) Stratusoar
Turbulent No Secret Ability
085 Territi Territi Confidence Immunized Handy
086 Dyeborg Dyeborg Tank Immunized Handy
087 Operaptor Operaptor Terrifying Power Jaw Staunch
088 Concredon Concredon Terrifying Power Jaw Staunch
089 Tyrecks Tyrecks Terrifying Power Jaw Staunch
090 Chompactor Chompactor Rev Up Salvage Specialization
091 Munchweel Munchweel Rev Up Salvage Specialization
092 Scorb Scorb Communication Clutch
093 Veylens Veylens Communication Clutch
094 Gardrone Gardrone Communication Clutch
095 Poochrol Poochrol Brute Force Power Jaw
096 Hunder Hunder Brute Force Power Jaw
097 Goppie Goppie Adorable Rain Rush Quick Recovery
098 Arapaigo Arapaigo Finesse Rain Rush Quick Recovery
099 Pyke Pyke Bitter Touch Combative Contact Curse
100 Skelic Skelic Bitter Touch Combative Contact Curse
100 Skelic (Seascourge) Skelic
Rain Rush No Secret Ability
101 Zaleo Zaleo Driven Adorable Overcharged
102 Joltooth Joltooth Driven Ambush Overcharged
102 Joltooth (Thunderking) Joltooth
Royal Decree No Secret Ability
103 Dobo Dobo Pyro Scorching Skin Power Napper
104 Infernix Infernix Pyro Scorching Skin Power Napper
105 Kyogo Kyogo Anomaly Surrogate
106 Dorogo Dorogo Anomaly Surrogate
107 Wiledile Wiledile Swampy Woodsman
108 Mawamurk Mawamurk Swampy Woodsman
109 Ampole Ampole Specialization Watcher Sly
110 Amphiton Amphiton Specialization Watcher Sly
111 Meditoad Meditoad Specialization Watcher Sly
112 Pwuff Pwuff Sharp Edges Toxic Spines Baneful
113 Bloatox Bloatox Sharp Edges Toxic Spines Baneful
114 Barblast Barblast Parting Gift Toxic Spines High Explosive
115 Swimp Swimp Power Jaw Apprehension Devious
116 Snapr Snapr Power Jaw Terrifying Devious
117 Garlash Garlash Power Jaw Terrifying Devious
118 Hydrini Hydrini Vivid Sight Rain Summon Aqua Body
119 Bezeldew Bezeldew Vivid Sight Rain Summon Aqua Body
120 Deludrix Deludrix Vivid Sight Rain Summon Aqua Body
121 Ceratot Ceratot Frail Armor Staunch Vigorous
122 Trepodon Trepodon Frail Armor Staunch Vigorous
123 Colossotrops Colossotrops Frail Armor Staunch Vigorous
124 Cupoink Cupoink Caddie Madcap Sweet Touch
125 Hoganosh Hoganosh Caddie Madcap Sweet Touch
125 Hoganosh (Atomic) Hoganosh
Gorge No Secret Ability
126 Mochibi Mochibi Sugar Rush Lucky Shakedown
127 Totemochi Totemochi Sugar Rush Lucky Shakedown
128 Mocho Mocho Sugar Rush Lucky Shakedown
129 Gwurm Gwurm Clingy Hard Candy Defensive Priority
130 Odasho Odasho Clingy Hard Candy Defensive Priority
131 Spreezy Spreezy Clingy Hard Candy Sugar Rush
132 Pipsee Pipsee Glide Wind Summon Vigilant
133 Dandylil Dandylil Glide Wind Summon Vigilant
134 Whippledriff Whippledriff Glide Wind Summon Vigilant
135 Vari Vari Guardian Apprehension Adorable
136 Cervolen Cervolen Confidence Boast Vengeance
137 Wendolen Wendolen Temper Sharp Claws Finesse
138 Kirolen Kirolen Territorial Hasty Devious
139 Zepholen Zepholen Confidence Sharp Focus Turbulent
140 Venolen Venolen Toxic Touch Devious Baneful
141 Wresolen Wresolen Ignorant Aggressive Ace
142 Buzzolen Buzzolen Marksman Vigorous Sweet Aroma
143 Tundrolen Tundrolen Mysterious Cloak Insulated Resilience
144 Pyrolen Pyrolen Volcanic Fanning Flame Quick Recovery
145 Hydrolen Hydrolen Vigilant Hydrate Luck Of The Sea
153 Copling Copling Oxidize Devious Playful
154 Copperage Copperage Oxidize Devious Playful
155 Oxidrake Oxidrake Oxidize Devious Combative
156 Spirivii Spirivii Life Force No Secret Ability
157 Eidohusk Eidohusk Life Force No Secret Ability
158 Harvesect Harvesect Life Force No Secret Ability
159 Snowl Snowl Chill Wise Glide
160 Stricicle Stricicle Chill Wise Glide
161 Wintrix Wintrix Chill Wise Glide
162 Snagull Snagull Immunized Clingy Marksman
163 Snagulp Snagulp Immunized Clingy Marksman
164 Snagoop Snagoop Immunized Clingy Marksman
165 Makame Makame Tone Deaf Frail Armor Quick Recovery
166 Makoro Makoro Tone Deaf Frail Armor Quick Recovery
167 Tsukame Tsukame Tone Deaf Frail Armor Quick Recovery
168 Cavenish Cavenish Conspire Bully Sly
169 Banfino Banfino Conspire Bully Sly
170 Kanki Kanki Madcap Aggressive Ambush
171 Kanibo Kanibo Madcap Aggressive Ambush
172 Sharpod Sharpod Rev Up Terrifying Frenzy
173 Samarine Samarine Rev Up Terrifying Frenzy
174 Lumica Lumica Premonition Sharp Edges Repugnant
175 Lumello Lumello Premonition Sharp Edges Repugnant
176 Polypi Polypi Temper Enchanted Coat Incandescent
177 Laphyra Laphyra Temper Enchanted Coat Incandescent
178 Jellusa Jellusa Temper Enchanted Coat Incandescent
179 Taoshi Taoshi Enchanted Coat Adorable Confidence
180 Taoshinu Taoshinu Enchanted Coat Guardian Confidence
181 Kittone Kittone Tone Deaf Adorable Shakedown
182 Lyricat Lyricat Tone Deaf Burglar Shakedown
183 Boonary Boonary Two Face No Secret Ability
184 Somata Somata Repugnant Guardian Adorable
185 Clionae Clionae Repugnant Guardian Persistence
186 Cinnaboo Cinnaboo Sweet Touch Playful Shakedown
187 Cinnogre Cinnogre Sweet Touch Vigilant Shakedown
188 Swirelle Swirelle Appetite No Secret Ability
189 Swishy Swishy Regift Gummy Viscid
190 Fiscarna Fiscarna Regift Gummy Viscid
191 Bunpuff Bunpuff Noxious Weeds Adorable Glutton
192 Bunnecki Bunnecki Noxious Weeds Adorable Glutton
193 Dractus Dractus Insulated Protective Shell Anomaly
194 Frutress Frutress Insulated Sharp Edges Anomaly
195 Seedrake Seedrake Insulated Sharp Edges Anomaly
196 Volpup Volpup Aggressive Pitch-Black Mystery Toxins
197 Halvantic Halvantic Aggressive Pitch-Black Mystery Toxins
198 Impkin Impkin Resentful Devious Handy
199 Grimmick Grimmick Resentful Devious Handy
200 Imperior Imperior Resentful Devious Handy
201 Mistlebud Mistlebud Festive Spirit No Secret Ability
202 Hollibunch Hollibunch Festive Spirit No Secret Ability
203 Cryocub Cryocub Adorable Communication Mysterious Cloak
204 Barbadger Barbadger Dauntless Communication Mysterious Cloak
205 Kyeggo Kyeggo Vivid Sight Anomaly Vicious
206 Doreggo Doreggo Vivid Sight Anomaly Vicious
207 Dreggodyne Dreggodyne Vivid Sight Staunch Vicious
208 Wispur Wispur Fog Summon Radiance Captivating
209 Lampurge Lampurge Fog Summon Radiance Captivating
210 Charonyx Charonyx Fog Summon Radiance Reaper
211 Smoal Smoal Heat Summon Scorching Skin Blistering Heat
212 Charkiln Charkiln Heat Summon Scorching Skin Blistering Heat
213 Billoforge Billoforge Heat Summon Scorching Skin Blistering Heat
214 Sherbot Sherbot Shakedown Sugar Rush Chill
215 Llamba Llamba Playful Regurgitate Wholesome
216 Choochew Choochew Playful Regurgitate Wholesome
217 Loomala Loomala Herd Behavior Regurgitate Wholesome
218 Fentern Fentern Intern Rush Hour Trader
219 Weaselin Weaselin Partnership Rush Hour Trader
220 Singeel Singeel Safety Pot No Secret Ability
221 Moreel Moreel One of Many No Secret Ability
222 Crabushi Crabushi Expertise Vengeance Razor Sharp
223 Crabtana Crabtana Expertise Vengeance Razor Sharp
224 Teripod Teripod Watcher Illuminate Mesmerizing
225 Teridescent Teridescent Watcher Illuminate Mesmerizing
226 Skampi Skampi Protective Shell Clutch Trash Armor
227 Prawnsu Prawnsu Applied Frustration Clutch Vicious
228 Shrimposte Shrimposte Combative Clutch Vicious
229 Dokan Dokan Spine Break Immunized Sponge
230 Dokumori Dokumori Spine Break Immunized Sponge
231 Mirrami Mirrami Reflective Mimic Analyze
232 Mirraith Mirraith Reflective Mimic Analyze
233 Thawmin Thawmin Communication Expertise Foresight
234 Leshent Leshent Gloomy Watcher Petrifying
235 Kayute Kayute Ravenous Playful Designated Chompers
236 Kayappa Kayappa Ravenous Playful Designated Chompers
237 Kramboss Kramboss Ravenous Battle Armor Designated Chompers
238 Leopaw Leopaw Sharp Claws Mesmerizing Prismatic
239 Chienta Chienta Sharp Claws Mesmerizing Prismatic
240 Eyebrella Eyebrella Hydro Vortex Do or Die Pluvial
241 Parasoul Parasoul Hydro Vortex Do or Die Pluvial
242 Lissen Lissen Motivational Do or Die Virtuoso
243 Biwarned Biwarned Motivational Do or Die Virtuoso
244 Lantot Lantot Wildfire Do or Die Sendoff
245 Lantorch Lantorch Wildfire Do or Die Sendoff
246 Milgoo Milgoo Soul Siphon Do or Die Devious
247 Rancidor Rancidor Soul Siphon Do or Die Devious
248 Nautling Nautling Watcher Protective Shell Viscid
249 Nautillect Nautillect Watcher Protective Shell Viscid
250 Naukout Naukout Watcher Protective Shell Viscid
251 Yutiny Yutiny Triumph Petrifying Tumultuous
252 Yuteen Yuteen Triumph Petrifying Tumultuous
253 Yutyphoon Yutyphoon Triumph Petrifying Tumultuous
254 Venile Venile Toxic Spines Venomous Brutal Wrath
255 Verinox Verinox Toxic Spines Venomous Brutal Wrath
256 Verinosaur Verinosaur Toxic Spines Venomous Brutal Wrath
257 Nymvolt Nymvolt Recurrent Thunder Summon Charged Arc
258 Ohmbolt Ohmbolt Recurrent Thunder Summon Charged Arc
259 Plasmoth Plasmoth Recurrent Thunder Summon Charged Arc
260 Cicalute Cicalute Metamorphosis Mesmerizing Expertise
261 Violana Violana Metamorphosis Mesmerizing Expertise
262 Goswing Goswing Compliant Shakedown Hydrate
263 Ganderveil Ganderveil Compliant Shakedown Hydrate
264 Banooh Banooh Shakedown Assertive Berserk
265 Banokey Banokey Shakedown Assertive Berserk
266 Spirwix Spirwix Disenchant Raging Fire Devious
267 Malevowax Malevowax Disenchant Raging Fire Devious
268 Grievestone Grievestone Sob Bitter Touch Seize
269 Obelost Obelost Wail Bitter Touch Seize
270 Jimby Jimby Fortissimo Carol Virtuoso
271 Piccolio Piccolio Fortissimo Carol Virtuoso
272 Wassel Wassel Adorable Elusive
273 Borealisk Borealisk Upper Hand Elusive
283 Duskit Duskit Harmonize Mean Spirited
284 Ikazune Ikazune Raging Fire Rechargeable
285 Protogon Protogon Analyze Replicate
286 Dakuda Dakuda Brute Force Hydrate
286 Dakuda (Overcharged) Dakuda
Railgun No Secret Ability
289 Cosmeleon Cosmeleon Adaptable No Secret Ability
290 Mutagon Mutagon Tank Heavy Fists
291 Cephalops Cephalops Bloodsucker Nightmarish
292 Elephage Elephage Malware Replicate
293 Phagenaut Phagenaut Malware Overcharged
294 Glacadia Glacadia Chilling Passion Frostbite
295 Arceros Arceros Burning Rage Third-degree Burn
296 Novadeaus Novadeaus Obsidian Heart No Secret Ability
297 Morphezu Morphezu Sky-Borne All Seeing
298 Behemoroth Behemoroth Land-Borne All Seeing
299 Leviatross Leviatross Depths-Borne All Seeing
301 Cosmiore (Encased) Cosmiore
Enchanted Coat Regift
301 Cosmiore (Cracked) Cosmiore
Enchanted Coat Regift
301 Cosmiore (Unleashed) Cosmiore
Surrogate Cosmic Pressure
302 Nymaurae Nymaurae Quick Recovery Incandescent
303 Nymesis Nymesis Impose Pitch-Black
304 Metronette Metronette Mysterious Cloak Applied Frustration
304 Metronette (Willbound) Metronette
Demanding No Secret Ability
305 Nevermare Nevermare Razor Sharp Frenzy
306 Gargolem (Base) Gargolem
Immunized Master
306 Gargolem (Attack) Gargolem
Immunized Master
306 Gargolem (Defense) Gargolem
Immunized Master
306 Gargolem (Speed) Gargolem
Immunized Master
307 Odoyaga Odoyaga Hag Frenzy
308 Wabalisc Wabalisc Ignorant Hasty
309 Akhalos Akhalos Aqua Body Aggressive
310 Celesting Celesting Reverberate Mystic Tone
310 Celesting (Stellarchime) Celesting
Effulgent No Secret Ability
311 Mimask Mimask Mask Swap Facade
312 Grimyuline Grimyuline Sharp Edges Sharp Claws


  • The concept of Loomian Abilities draws inspiration from many other games featuring collectable monsters, most notably Pokémon.