Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki

Almost all locations provide Wild Loomians to encounter. The Loomian Legacy Wiki has a Rarity Scale set up to classify Loomians into different rarity levels.

Scale and Sample Size

For at least each 200 encounters, assign the rarity level of a Loomian as follows:

Encounters Percentage Rarity Level
Out of 200 Out of 500 Out of 1000
>80 times >200 times >400 times >40% Common
41–80 times 101–200 times 201–400 times 21–40% Uncommon
11–40 times 26–100 times 51–200 times 6–20% Rare
10 times or fewer 25 times or fewer 50 times or fewer ≤5% Very Rare

Editors are also allowed to increase the sample size to 500 or even 1000 encounters if they have the time to do so. Multiply the scale proportionally such that test results follow the percentage, as shown above. Any rarity levels out of the above 4, like "Super Rare" or "Ultra Rare", are not allowed.

However, please exclude Roaming and Event Loomians from the encounter rate assessments and Wild Encounter templates in location pages.

Special Encounters

For special encounters which only provide one chance for battle, they are automatically labelled as One Only via the Set Encounter templates.

Another kind of special encounters are only available once per week. Replace the rarity level with corresponding day of the week such as "Friday", so that the template will automatically show "Every Friday".

Some Loomian only appear during the day or at night, please attach "|Day/Night=Day" or "|Day/Night=Night" respectively.

Official Encounter Rates

There are also a few Loomian species which staff members would request their exact encounter rates to be confirmed by the main developers. The exact encounter rates are listed in red directly below the rarity level, via the code "|Rate=(Encounter rate)". Please do not change them unless the developers announced that those encounter rates have been modified.
