Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki
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Lotusun Beach is a cove located past Route 8 home to many Water-type Loomians. There is a dock to the north of Lotusun Beach, where travellers can access the underwater Atlanthian City by submarines.

Notable Events[]

Encounter with Mr. Ferrix[]


After the player arrives at Lotusun Beach with Mabel, Lucas, Lucy and Jake, they discuss their plans on entering Atlanthian City. The city is located under the ocean and is only accessible by submarine. The group soon discovers that submarine tickets must be purchased several weeks in advance, and they were ill-prepared. A man explains to the group that the only way to get a ticket immediately is to request it from Mr. Ferrix, who is the owner of the submarine company. Mr. Ferrix frequently visits the Dive n' Dine restaurant on the pier, so the group went together to talk to him.


After entering the Dive n' Dine restaurant, the group finds Mr. Ferrix and speaks to him about obtaining tickets. Baxley, Mr. Ferrix's assistant, asks if he should send the group away, but Ferrix chooses not to turn away the "aspiring youths of Roria". Jake explains the group's predicament, but is denied any tickets for a submarine ride. After that, the player, Mabel and Jake leave to formulate a plan on what to do next.

VS Corrupt Samarine[]


Far from shore, Mr. Ferrix's daughter Millia is surrounded by a trio of Sharpods and a corrupt Samarine. Immediately, the player rushes into the water to defeat it and save Millia. After doing so, Mr. Ferrix expresses his gratitude by giving the player and their friends free Atlanthian Travel Passes. Defeating the Samarine does not drop a shard.

Notable Places[]

Variable Design[]

Main article: Variable Design
UGC Loomian Masks

A graphic showing the collaboration and each UGC item[1]

Just before port itself is a small wooden hut displaying wearable items resembling prominent features of the Loomians Ikazune, Duskit, and Metronette, being a mask for Duskit and Ikazune and a hood for Metronette respectively. The masks are purchasable for 85 Robux each.

Junk 4 Junk shop[]

Main article: Junk 4 Junk

Junk 4 Junk is a shop accessed by talking to the old man on the pier. Players can exchange junk items obtained from fishing in Lotusun Beach for other items including Move Manuals, Pearls, Dark Shards, and the Samarine Saddle.


Wild Loomians[]

Note: Rarity levels are estimations according to this scale and might be subject to changes due to different encounter assessment results.
Loomian Type Image Rarity Items TP Yield Drops
Water Shallow Water Lv. 21–24
Goppie WaterWater Water
Common None 1 Speed None
Lumica WaterWater Water
Common None 1 Energy None
Snagull AirAir Air
Common None 1 Ranged Attack None
Kanki WaterWater Water
BrawlerBrawler Brawler
1/12.5 (8%)
None 1 Melee Attack None
Makame WaterWater Water
Very Rare
1/31 (3.23%)
None 1 Melee Defense None
Fishing Fishing Rod Fishing Rod Lv. 21–24
Cavenish WaterWater Water
PlantPlant Plant
Common None 1 Speed None
Goppie WaterWater Water
Common None 1 Speed None
Pwuff WaterWater Water
ToxicToxic Toxic
Uncommon None 1 Health None
Sharpod WaterWater Water
MetalMetal Metal
Very Rare
1/20 (5%)
None 1 Melee Attack None
Click on the Loomian names to check their learnsets. Hover on the item sprites to check the exact chance of being held by the Wild Loomian species.

Roaming Loomians, Trainer Mastery Encounters and Adverse Weather Encounters are not listed in the table above.

Set Encounters[]

Note: The following Loomian has had its stats modified outside of the corrupted buff. It has 500 max HP, 150 TPs in both of its Attack stats and 100 TPs in both of its Defense stats.

Warning: Players can only battle the following Loomian(s) once!

Loomian Type Level Image Rarity Items TP Yield EXP Drops
Corrupt Loomian
Boss Battle – cannot be caught
Corrupt Samarine
WaterWater Water
MetalMetal Metal
Lv. 40
One Only None 1 Health
1 Melee Attack
2173 None
Attacks: Water Bomb, Double Whack, Aqua Jaws, Sharpen

Click on the Loomian names to check their learnsets. Hover on the item sprites to check the exact chance of being held by the Set Encounter Loomian.


Image Loomian Type Level Ability Item EXP TP Yield
In shallow waters
Trainer: Tamyra Full Battle!Full Battle!Full Battle!Full Battle!Full Battle! Reward:

Available for rematches – Energy TP Hotspot
Lumica ×2 WaterWater Water Lv. 30 Premonition None 308×2 1 Energy each
Moves: Hydro Slash, Headbutt, Poison Barbs, Eerie Stare
Lumica ×2 WaterWater Water Lv. 30 Sharp Edges None 308×2 1 Energy each
Moves: Hydro Slash, Headbutt, Poison Barbs, Eerie Stare
Polypi WaterWater Water
LightLight Light
Lv. 31 Temper None 224 1 Energy
Moves: Maroon, Energy Surge, Magnify, Soft Water
There was no change to the above matches between any of the updates.

Event-Exclusive Trainers[]

Note: The following trainer(s) were only available to battle during the 2022 Rainbow Event.

Image Loomian Type Level Ability Item EXP TP Yield
Trainer: Blue Master Barry Capture DiscCapture DiscCapture Disc Reward:
1920, Blue TuftBlue Tuft
Meditoad ElectricElectric Electric
MindMind Mind
Lv. 40 Specialization
Meditoad holds Rageful Plushie.
1517 1 Melee Attack
2 Ranged Attack
Moves: Thunderstrike, Psycho Blast
Wintrix IceIce Ice
AirAir Air
Lv. 40 Wise
Wintrix holds Frost Shell.
1446 2 Ranged Attack
1 Speed
Moves: Brain Freeze, Frost Beam, Air Blade, Mud Spatter
Boarrok  γ   EarthEarth Earth Lv. 40 Boast
Boarrok holds Specialty Boots.
1035 2 Melee Attack
Moves: Earthquake, Mega Chomp, Raging Tackle, Quick Pounce
There was no change to the above matches between any of the updates.

Fourth Anniversary Event[]

Main article: Fourth Anniversary Event

Lotusun Beach was a primary location for the Fourth Anniversary Event, and where two NPCs stood near the gate to Route 8. One gave the player a Boost Token each day if they caught a Loomian of the three types on the board next to him, while the other gave players an Oxidrake Saddle if he was shown a Gold Copling, Copperage, or Oxidrake during the event.

Fifth Anniversary Event[]

Main article: Fifth Anniversary Event

Lotusun Beach was the primary location for the Fifth Anniversary Event, where players could find Hunter on the pier and complete his quests. A Surfboard form of Mirrami, a Surfer form of Dractus, a Lifeguard form of Sharpod, and a Plush form of Duskit could exclusively be found here, either in the wild or through fishing.

Wild Encounters[]

Note: Rarity levels are estimations according to this scale and might be subject to changes due to different encounter assessment results, unless supported by official encounter rates, which are listed in red under the rarity level if known.
Loomian Type Image Rarity Items TP Yield Drops
Water Shallow Water Lv. 21–24
Surfboard Form
SpiritSpirit Spirit
MetalMetal Metal
Very Rare
1/100 (1%)
None 1 Melee Attack None
Surfer Form
PlantPlant Plant
Very Rare
1/250 (0.4%)
None 1 Melee Attack None
Lifeguard Form
WaterWater Water
MetalMetal Metal
Very Rare
1/500 (0.2%)
None 1 Melee Attack None
Plush Form
SpiritSpirit Spirit
MindMind Mind
Very Rare
1/1024 (0.1%)
None 1 Speed None
Fishing Fishing Rod Fishing Rod Lv. 21–24
Surfboard Form
SpiritSpirit Spirit
MetalMetal Metal
Very Rare
1/100 (1%)
None 1 Melee Attack None
Surfer Form
PlantPlant Plant
Very Rare
1/250 (0.4%)
None 1 Melee Attack None
Lifeguard Form
WaterWater Water
MetalMetal Metal
Very Rare
1/500 (0.2%)
None 1 Melee Attack None
Plush Form
SpiritSpirit Spirit
MindMind Mind
Very Rare
1/1024 (0.1%)
None 1 Speed None
Click on the Loomian names to check their learnsets. Hover on the item sprites to check the exact chance of being held by the Wild Loomian species.

Roaming Loomians, Trainer Mastery Encounters and Adverse Weather Encounters are not listed in the table above.


State Item Obtaining Location
Blue Item Box
Powerfruit ×3 Behind the Dive n' Dine on the pier.
Musty Boot
Musty Boot Sometimes found while fishing in the water.
Rusty Can
Rusty Can Sometimes found while fishing in the water.
Junk Tire
Junk Tire Sometimes found while fishing in the water.
Worn Rope
Worn Rope Sometimes found while fishing in the water.
Atlanthian Travel Pass
Atlanthian Travel Pass Given by Mr. Ferrix after the player saves his daughter, Millia.
There was no change to the above items between any of the updates.


The Navigation entry for Lotusun Beach in each installment of Loomian Legacy is listed as follows:

Game Description
VoS Lotusun Beach is a popular vacation destination and is home to the popular Dive n' Dine Restaurant. The only way to travel to and from Atlanthian City is via submarine, which is accessible through Lotusun Pier.
Lotusun Beach is available in all games of the Loomian Legacy series.


Loomian Legacy - Veils of Shadow
v0.4.20b Hunter and the reskins were removed from Lotusun Beach following the end of the Fifth Anniversary Event.
v0.4.20 Hunter was added to the pier and four reskins were exclusively able to be caught in Lotusun Beach for the Fifth Anniversary Event.
v0.4.11c The NPCs were removed from Lotusun Beach following the end of the Fourth Anniversary Event.
v0.4.11a Added two NPCs in Lotusun Beach for the Fourth Anniversary Event.
v0.3.15 Lotusun Beach was added to the game.


  • At a blocked opening that leads to another part of the beach, there is a statue which, when interacted with, states: "What a strange statue... You can feel it peering into your soul." A similar statue that displays the same text is also found at Gale Forest and Igneus Hollow. It is currently unknown what purpose they serve.
  • Behind the statue there is a part of the beach only accessible through glitching. On the beach there is an "X" on the sand, likely referring to the saying "X marks the spot"
  • A Gwurm can be seen on one of the trees.
    • This could be a reference to the Sweet Retreat event not occurring during Valentine's Day 2022, as the developers were focusing on releasing the beach instead.
  • Prior to the release of Atlanthian, if the player tried to use the submarine to travel, construction cones blocked the 'yes' button.
  • There are two sandcastles that resemble The Pagoda and a Scapegoat.
  • There are two beachballs resembling Pwuff and Scorb.
  • The umbrellas on the beach resemble Capture Discs.
  • When the player and the group of friends are about to go to Atlanthian City, Jake mentions "It feels as if I've waited a whole year for this.", which is likely a reference to the fanbase waiting a long time for the new game update.
  • At the foot of the cliff with the lighthouse southwest of the beach, there is a geyser leading to a currently unidentified route gate.
  • Lotusun Beach currently has the highest number of native wild Loomians species, being eight.


  1. UGC Items. Tsuki_Onigiri. Mar 26st, 2022.