Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki

Raid Battles are combat challenges accessed by interacting with an active den, where players can team up with each other to fight a powerful Raid Boss Loomian. Raid Battles use slightly different mechanics than normal battles in order to make the Raid Boss much tougher to take down. If participants are victorious however, they will receive items as a reward.

Raid teaser

A raid den in a teaser shared on the Llama Train Studio Twitter account


Raid encounter music

Once one or two players enter the den and confirm they are ready, the Raid Battle will begin. Players may only bring three different Loomians into the battle. If a player enters solo, an NPC will join them as their partner. The battle is a 2-on-1 format, with the participant side using two Loomians at once fighting a single Raid Boss. Raid Battles function almost identically to regular battles, but the Raid Boss possesses additional abilities and much more health than a regular Loomian.

The boss' health is divided into several segments, with higher difficulties having more health segments (3, 4 and 5 segments on Easy, Normal and Nightmare difficulties, respectively). Each segment has the Health stat of the Raid Boss multiplied by a certain value depending on the difficulty played. Players attack the boss to deplete its Health, and when one health segment is drained, the boss will use a certain number of abilities at each health breakpoint. The number of abilities used depends on how many health segments of the boss have been drained, up to 3 at a time. Some abilities cannot be repeated at another breakpoint.

Possible Raid Boss Abilities:

When players are victorious, they will be given a window displaying their winnings and the battle will end.


  • More than one health segment cannot be damaged in a single hit. If more damage is dealt to the boss than the amount of health left in the current segment, health will stop draining once it reaches the end of that segment.
    • However, if the boss uses its Health Restore ability, despite increasing Health into the segment that was just cleared, it will not count as restoring the lost segment. Health can be depleted past the breakpoint into the current segment in a single hit.
  • The boss will only clear player stat changes if one of the players' Loomians has at least more than 2 increases in a single stat. This can only happen once per battle.
  • The boss will only use its "Cure self of Status Ailments" and "Cure self of lowered stats" Abilities if it gets inflicted with a status ailment or gets its stats lowered. It will prioritize doing this over any other ability and then become immune to status ailments for the remainder of the battle, making it important to time when to inflict a status ailment.
  • If playing solo, Lucas' Eleguana's Lightning Rod Ability will absorb all Electric-type Moves used while it is on the field. Avoid using those moves if playing with Lucas, or forfeit the raid to get a different partner.

Move and Ability Restrictions[]

Some moves and Abilities will fail during a Raid Battle. A list of moves and Abilities that do not work in raids can be found below:



NPC Ally Teams[]

Image Loomian Type Level Ability Item EXP TP Yield
Partner: Lucas (Raid team) Capture DiscCapture DiscCapture Disc
Garbantis BugBug Bug
EarthEarth Earth
Lv. Scaling Trash Armor None N/A
Moves: Battering Ram, Venom Chomp, Poison, Clay Slap
Ursnac SpiritSpirit Spirit
BrawlerBrawler Brawler
Lv. Scaling Tank None N/A
Moves: Bait, Stare, Pep Jab, Phantom Slash
Eleguana ElectricElectric Electric
LightLight Light
Lv. Scaling Lightning Rod None N/A
Moves: Gamma Pulse, Luster Loot, Thunderstrike, Examine
There was no change to the above matches between any of the updates.

Image Loomian Type Level Ability Item EXP TP Yield
Partner: Jake (Raid team) Capture DiscCapture DiscCapture Disc
Snagoop AirAir Air
ToxicToxic Toxic
Lv. Scaling Unknown None N/A
Moves: Jet Stream, Muck Blast, Venom Chomp, Eerie Stare
Eleguana ElectricElectric Electric
LightLight Light
Lv. Scaling Radiance None N/A
Moves: Gamma Pulse, Luster Loot, Thunderstrike, Magnify
Searknight FireFire Fire
MetalMetal Metal
Lv. Scaling Awakening None N/A
Moves: Searing Steel, Mega Punch, Power Focus, Flaming Kick
There was no change to the above matches between any of the updates.

Image Loomian Type Level Ability Item EXP TP Yield
Partner: Lucy (Raid team) Capture DiscCapture DiscCapture Disc
Bunnecki PlantPlant Plant
EarthEarth Earth
Lv. Scaling Adorable None N/A
Moves: Magnify, Pine Shot, Wonder Herb, Boulder Blast
Lyricat TypelessTypeless Simple Lv. Scaling Unknown None N/A
Moves: Rant, Resonate, Peace of Mind, Boom Bash
Ragoon DarkDark Dark Lv. Scaling Burglar None N/A
Moves: Mega Chomp, Sharpen, Body Slam, Mega Punch
There was no change to the above matches between any of the updates.


Raging Dreggodyne (2023)[]

The first raid added to the game was Dreggodyne during the 2023 Easter Event along with the raid mechanic as a whole.

Dreggodyne-menuRaging Dreggodyne
Easy Normal Nightmare
Boss Level 35 50 55 (Corrupt)
Health Multiplier x1.25 x2 x2.25
Boss Ability Vivid Sight Vivid Sight Anomaly
Boss Moves Egg Storm
Jet Stream
Shrewd Blast
Peace of Mind
Egg Storm
Jet Stream
Shrewd Blast
High-Pitch Screech
Egg Storm
Jet Stream
Draco Beam
High-Pitch Screech
Recommended Levels 35 50 50


Easter Egg (2023)Easter Egg (×5) 100%

Fractured CrownFractured Crown 40%
Treasure DiscTreasure Disc 10%

Easter Egg (2023)Easter Egg (×10) 100%

Fractured CrownFractured Crown 70%
Treasure DiscTreasure Disc 35%
PowerfruitPowerfruit 10%
Dreggodyne SaddleDreggodyne Saddle 8%

Easter Egg (2023)Easter Egg (×20) 100%

Fractured CrownFractured Crown 75%
Treasure DiscTreasure Disc 50%
Crown DiscCrown Disc 25%
PowerfruitPowerfruit 20%
Dreggodyne SaddleDreggodyne Saddle 15%
ShardRandom Shard 5%
Radianite EggRadianite Egg 1.5%



Haunted Dreams (2023)[]

This raid was added to Haunted Village as part of the 2023 Halloween Event. To unlock it, players must gain access to the area behind the locked gate with the Haunted Gate Key and give the mysterious door 25 Treats. The Metroburst could only be obtained if the player has successfully defeated Dr. Vanta in The Lost City.

Metronette-Willbound-menuWillbound Metronette
Normal Nightmare
Boss Level 50 55 (Corrupt)
Health Multiplier x1.25 x2.5
Boss Ability Demanding Demanding
Boss Moves Dark Surge
Psycho Blast
Mega Punch
Shadow Pulse
Psycho Blast
Mega Punch
Soul Storm
Recommended Levels 50 50
Rewards MetroburstMetroburst (100%) Metronette Saddle WMetronette Saddle W (100%)


  • Willbound Metronette is only weak to Bug- and Fire-type moves. Players should use Bug and Fire-type Loomians that have strong STAB (Same-Type Attack Bonus) attacks.
  • Using a Loomian with Square One, such as Cephalops, allows for the removal of stat buffs Willbound Metronette may gain from its Raid Boss Abilities.
  • It is recommended to properly TP train Loomians and give them Held Items such as an Essence or Power Cuffs before attempting the Nightmare version of the raid.
    • It is also recommended to attempt the Nightmare raid with another player.


A Chilling Surprise (2023)[]

This raid was added to Jolly Festival as part of the 2023 Holiday Event. To unlock it, players must obtain a Snow Shovel and dig up the pile of snow beyond the gate to the mansion. The Iciburst could only be obtained if the player has successfully defeated Dr. Vanta in The Lost City.

Icigool-Incarnate-menuIncarnate Icigool
Normal Nightmare
Boss Level 50 55 (Corrupt)
Health Multiplier x1.25 x2.5
Boss Ability Party Trick Party Trick
Boss Moves Ice Hammer
Mega Chomp
Blaze Chomp
Icicle Tremor
Mega Chomp
Thunder Chomp
Recommended Levels 50 50
Rewards IciburstIciburst (100%) Icigool Saddle IIcigool Saddle I (100%)


  • Arceros and Magmadire Eruptidon are two strong Loomians to use against Incarnate Icigool due to their ability to dish out large amounts of damage with their super effective Fire-type moves and high base attack stats.


Raging Dreggodyne (2024)[]

The Raging Dreggodyne raid made a return for the 2024 Easter Event.

Dreggodyne-menuRaging Dreggodyne
Easy Normal Nightmare
Boss Level 35 50 55 (Corrupt)
Health Multiplier x1.25 x2 x2.5
Boss Ability Vivid Sight Staunch Staunch
Boss Moves Egg Storm
Jet Stream
Shrewd Blast
Peace of Mind
Egg Storm
Jet Stream
Shrewd Blast
High-Pitch Screech
Egg Storm
Jet Stream
Draco Beam
High-Pitch Screech
Recommended Levels 35 50 50


Easter EggEaster Egg (×5) 100%

Fractured CrownFractured Crown 40%
Treasure DiscTreasure Disc 10%

Easter EggEaster Egg (×10) 100%

Fractured CrownFractured Crown 70%
Treasure DiscTreasure Disc 35%
PowerfruitPowerfruit 20%
Dreggodyne Saddle BDreggodyne Saddle B 8%

Easter EggEaster Egg (×20) 100%

Fractured CrownFractured Crown 75%
Treasure DiscTreasure Disc 50%
PowerfruitPowerfruit 35%
ShardRandom Shard 35%
Crown DiscCrown Disc 25%
Dreggodyne Saddle BDreggodyne Saddle B 15%
Radianite EggRadianite Egg 1.5%


  • It is highly recommended to do raids with another player to allow for better strategizing.
  • Try to apply a status ailment to the boss while in Phase 1. Then, try to set up. The boss will remove the status effect first instead of clearing buffed stats.
  • Wabalisc, with its ability Ignorant, can ignore the high stat buffs that the boss applies to itself, as well as having an attack type bonus with Ice, which is super effective against Dreggodyne.
  • Tiklipse, with its ability Total Eclipse, is immune to the boss' Egg Storm and is resistant to Draco Beam. This means that it can deal good damage to Dreggodyne before fainting.
  • Falkyrie and Luxoar are a great combination to beat Nightmare mode. Luxoar can use Luminous Roar to prevent Egg Storm, and Falkyrie resists all of Dreggodyne's other moves. Falkyrie can do massive damage with Magnify and Nova Blast or Radiant Forecast.
  • Barbadger can deal massive damage to the boss with Brawn Boost, Ice Hammer and Ice Essence.
  • Moreel has good overall bulk and high Ranged Attack, along with a typing that allows it to resist half of Dreggodyne's attacks and hit for super-effective damage with Thunderstrike. A Health Amulet paired with Soft Water allows Moreel to stay on the field for longer. Additionally, Moreel is able to set up with Energize, allowing it to tank more hits and hit even harder.
  • Charonyx can be very vesatile for this raid. Hazy Shroud can be used to roll in Dense Fog for five turns. While Dense Fog is on the battlefield, Dreggodyne's Staunch will be nullified, meaning its stats can be reduced with moves such as Charade. Additionally, Apparition becomes a one-turn move (also being super effective against Dreggodyne), meaning that players can cause significant damage on Dreggodyne much more efficiently.


Haunted Dreams (2024)[]

The Willbound Metronette raid made a return in Haunted Woods as part of the 2024 Halloween Event. The Metroburst could only be obtained if the player has successfully defeated Dr. Vanta in The Lost City.

Metronette-Willbound-menuWillbound Metronette
Normal Nightmare
Boss Level 50 55 (Corrupt)
Health Multiplier x1.25 x2.5
Boss Ability Demanding Demanding
Boss Moves Dark Surge
Psycho Blast
Mega Punch
Shadow Pulse
Psycho Blast
Mega Punch
Soul Storm
Recommended Levels 50 50
Rewards Cake Point Cake Points (×20)

MetroburstMetroburst (One Only)
One of:
Full Heart DiscBroken Heart DiscSpooky DiscCandy DiscSkeleton DiscHaunted DiscSwolder Web Disc
Nymesis Frame Nymesis Frame (15%)

Cake Point Cake Points (×30)

Metronette Saddle WMetronette Saddle W (One Only)
One of:
Full Heart DiscBroken Heart DiscSpooky DiscCandy DiscSkeleton DiscHaunted DiscSwolder Web Disc
One of:
Full Heart DiscBroken Heart DiscSpooky DiscCandy DiscSkeleton DiscHaunted DiscSwolder Web DiscPumpkin DiscMetro DiscBaba Disc
Nymesis Frame Nymesis Frame (25%)


  • Willbound Metronette is only weak to Bug- and Fire-type moves. Players should use Bug and Fire-type Loomians that have strong STAB (Same-Type Attack Bonus) attacks.
  • Using a Loomian with Square One, such as Cephalops, allows for the removal of stat buffs Willbound Metronette may gain from its Raid Boss Abilities.
  • It is recommended to properly TP train Loomians and give them Held Items such as an Essence or Power Cuffs before attempting the Nightmare version of the raid.
    • It is also recommended to attempt the Nightmare raid with another player.



This raid was added to Haunted Woods as part of the 2024 Halloween Event. The Noshburst could only be obtained if the player has successfully defeated Dr. Vanta in The Lost City.

Hoganosh-Atomic-menuAtomic Hoganosh
Normal Nightmare
Boss Level 50 55 (Corrupt)
Health Multiplier x1.25 x2.5
Boss Ability Gorge Gorge
Boss Moves Fiery Fondant
Mega Chomp
Venom Chomp
Raging Tackle
Fiery Fondant
Mega Chomp
Baneful Bash
Recommended Levels 50 50
Rewards Cake Point Cake Points (×20)

NoshburstNoshburst (One Only)
One of:
Full Heart DiscBroken Heart DiscSpooky DiscCandy DiscSkeleton DiscHaunted DiscSwolder Web Disc
Nymaurae Frame Nymaurae Frame (15%)

Cake Point Cake Points (×30)

Hoganosh Saddle AHoganosh Saddle A (One Only)
One of:
Full Heart DiscBroken Heart DiscSpooky DiscCandy DiscSkeleton DiscHaunted DiscSwolder Web Disc
One of:
Full Heart DiscBroken Heart DiscSpooky DiscCandy DiscSkeleton DiscHaunted DiscSwolder Web DiscPumpkin DiscMetro DiscBaba Disc
Nymaurae Frame Nymaurae Frame (25%)



A Chilling Surprise (2024)[]

The Incarnate Icigool raid made a return in Jolly Village as part of the 2024 Holiday Event. The Iciburst could only be obtained if the player has successfully defeated Dr. Vanta in The Lost City.

Icigool-Incarnate-menuIncarnate Icigool
Normal Nightmare
Boss Level 50 55 (Corrupt)
Health Multiplier x1.25 x2.5
Boss Ability Party Trick Party Trick
Boss Moves Ice Hammer
Mega Chomp
Blaze Chomp
Icicle Tremor
Mega Chomp
Thunder Chomp
Recommended Levels 50 50
Rewards Peppermint Peppermints (×20)

One of:
Coal DiscSnowflake DiscFrost Blossom DiscJingle Disc
IciburstIciburst (One Only)
Incarnate Icigool Frame Incarnate Icigool Frame (10%)

Peppermint Peppermints (×30)

One of:
Coal DiscSnowflake DiscFrost Blossom DiscJingle Disc
One of:
Coal DiscSnowflake DiscFrost Blossom DiscJingle DiscWaba DiscMask DiscStellar Disc
Icigool Saddle IIcigool Saddle I (One Only)
Incarnate Icigool Frame Incarnate Icigool Frame (25%)


  • Arceros and Magmadire Eruptidon are two strong Loomians to use against Incarnate Icigool due to their ability to dish out large amounts of damage with their super effective Fire-type moves and high base attack stats.


Seeing Stars[]

This raid was added to Jolly Village as part of the 2024 Holiday Event. The Celeburst could only be obtained if the player has successfully defeated Dr. Vanta in The Lost City.

Celesting-Stellarchime-menuStellarchime Celesting
Normal Nightmare
Boss Level 50 55 (Corrupt)
Health Multiplier x1.25 x3
Boss Ability Effulgent Effulgent
Boss Moves Cosmic Chime
Gamma Pulse
Peace of Mind
Cosmic Chime
Gamma Pulse
Luster Loot
Recommended Levels 50 50
Rewards Peppermint Peppermints (×20)

One of:
Coal DiscSnowflake DiscFrost Blossom DiscJingle Disc
CeleburstCeleburst (One Only)
Stellarchime Celesting Background Stellarchime Celesting Background (10%)

Peppermint Peppermints (×30)

One of:
Coal DiscSnowflake DiscFrost Blossom DiscJingle Disc
One of:
Coal DiscSnowflake DiscFrost Blossom DiscJingle DiscWaba DiscMask DiscStellar Disc
Celesting Saddle SCelesting Saddle S (One Only)
Stellarchime Celesting Background Stellarchime Celesting Background (25%)



Story Mode Raids[]

These raids function similarly to other raids in battle, however they can only be fought alone and only once (or until victorious) and reward important Key Items or other special items.

Mr. Ferrix's Sidequest[]

The following Raid Battles are fought as part of a sidequest given by Mr. Ferrix released in the Atlanthian Part 2 update. During these raids, players are partnered with Baxley and his Loomians.

Image Loomian Type Level Ability Item EXP TP Yield
Partner: Baxley Capture DiscCapture DiscCapture Disc
Taoshinu TypelessTypeless Simple Lv. 50 Guardian None N/A
Moves: Blindspot Batter, Bait, Body Slam, Mega Chomp
Weaselin TypelessTypeless Simple Lv. 50 Unknown None N/A
Moves: Teamwork, Rant, Body Slam
Waka-Laka PlantPlant Plant
MindMind Mind
Lv. 50 Communication None N/A
Moves: Nature's Force, Muck Blast, Psycho Blast, Gamma Pulse
There was no change to the above matches between any of the updates.

Flychomp Florant[]

Florant's Raid Den is located in Gale Forest near Tyler.

Florant-Flychomp-menuFlychomp Florant
Boss Ability Power Jaw
Boss Moves Bush Whack
Take Root
Mega Chomp
Rewards FloraburstFloraburst
Crysticulum RCrysticulum R

Terraform Gastroak[]

Gastroak's Raid Den is located in Kanoko Village between some houses.

Gastroak-Terraform-menuTerraform Gastroak
Boss Ability Insulated
Boss Moves Nature's Force
Peace of Mind
Rewards GastroburstGastroburst
Crysticulum VCrysticulum V

Magmadire Eruptidon[]

Eruptidon's Raid Den is located on Route 5 near the entrance to Igneus Hollow.

Eruptidon-Magmadire-menuMagmadire Eruptidon
Boss Ability Pyro Pro
Boss Moves Earthquake
Fire Breath
Power Focus
Rewards EruptiburstEruptiburst
Crysticulum OCrysticulum O

Lavafiend Krakaloa[]

Krakaloa's Raid Den is located in Igneus Hollow at the bottom of the cave.

Krakaloa-Lavafiend-menuLavafiend Krakaloa
Boss Ability Heat Summon
Boss Moves Spectral Burst
Fire Breath
Burn Up
High-Pitch Screech
Rewards KrakaburstKrakaburst
Crysticulum YCrysticulum Y

Jetwing Stratusoar[]

Stratusoar's Raid Den is located on Route 7 near the gate to Sepharite City.

Stratusoar-Jetwing-menuJetwing Stratusoar
Boss Ability Turbulent
Boss Moves Metal Blast
Energy Surge
Jet Stream
Rewards StratuburstStratuburst
Crysticulum GCrysticulum G