Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki

Route 2 is a short route linking Cheshma Town and Route 3. This route is initially blocked until player finishes the mission in Gale Forest. It starts from the bridge that connects to Cheshma Town and ends at the gate to Route 3. This route currently only has Loomian encounters from fishing in the water.


Route 2 is a straight route that starts with a bridge and ends at the gate to Route 3. Before defeating Duskit at Gale Forest, three novice trainers – Lucy, Lucas and Mabel – block the path to the bridge. After going through Gale Forest and defeating Corrupt Duskit, a cutscene will initiate when the player passes Trainer School at Cheshma Town where the trainers are seen being kicked out of the school.

Before the bridge, there is a small trailer with a man requesting to see the Loomian Cynamoth because of its special abilities to cure poison. Once the player shows a Cynamoth to the man, Paralysis Potion and Antidote will then be available for purchase in Loomian Goods stores at Loomian Trainer Stations.

Crossing the bridge, there is a worker doing construction on the bridge that tells the player the public gets angry when the bridge is under construction. At the end of the bridge is Shae, the only Trainer on this route.


Wild Loomians[]

Note: Rarity levels are estimations according to this scale and might be subject to changes due to different encounter assessment results.
Loomian Type Image Rarity Items TP Yield Drops
Fishing Fishing Rod Fishing Rod Lv. 14-18
Goppie WaterWater Water
Common None 1 Speed None
Swimp WaterWater Water
1/10 (10%)
None 1 Speed None
Click on the Loomian names to check their learnsets. Hover on the item sprites to check the exact chance of being held by the Wild Loomian species.


Image Loomian Type Level Ability Item EXP TP Yield
Trainer: Shae Capture DiscCapture Disc Reward:

Available for rematches
Slugling PlantPlant Plant Lv. 7 Mystery Toxins None 57 1 Ranged Defense
Moves: Petal Pummel, Strike, Dawdle
Twilat TypelessTypeless Simple Lv. 6 Territorial None 48 1 Health
Moves: Dawdle, Stretch, Gnaw
There was no change to the above matches between any of the updates.

Game Difference[]

Route 2 is mostly the same in both games. However, in Loomian Legacy, there is a new trailer parked on the side, whereas in Pokémon Brick Bronze, it did not appear. The only Trainer on the route has two Loomians, but its Brick Bronze counterpart had only one Pokémon.


Loomian Legacy - Veils of Shadow
v0.1.0 Route 2 was added to the game.


  • There is a red box on the raised platform near the geyser, as well as another red box on the left side of the bridge, across the body of water. It is currently impossible to reach these areas or obtain items from the boxes.
  • The worker is a reference to Pokémon Brick Bronze where players would not be able to cross the bridge as it was under construction.
    • Players in that game also had to complete a mission in Gale Forest (i.e. defeating certain people/Loomians) before they could proceed on to this route.