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Loomian Legacy Wiki
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Sidequests are spinoffs from the main storyline quest in Loomian Legacy, which was first introduced with the inception of Loomian Legacy - Veils of Shadow. Sidequests can be identified by a golden chat bubble above the NPCs corresponding with the quest.

Gleaming Quest[]

Mitis Town House

The woman's house in Mitis Town nearby the waterfall.

In the house in Mitis Town, nearest to the entrance of Route 1, lives a woman who is interested in Gleaming Loomians. The woman gives a cursory explanation of what a Gleaming Loomian is and asks for the player to show one to her. When the player shows her a Gleaming Loomian, they will be rewarded with a Boost Token.

  1. Obtain a Gleaming Loomian.
  2. Talk to the woman in the house near the Route 1 entrance with the Gleaming Loomian as the party leader.

Cynamoth Research Quest[]

Man Route 2

Man's Trailer on Route 2.

Before the bridge on Route 2 and to the left, there is a small trailer with a man requesting to see the Loomian Cynamoth because of its special abilities to cure poison. Once the player shows a Cynamoth to the man, Paralysis Potion and Antidote will then be available for purchase at Loomian Goods stores in Loomian Trainer Stations.

  1. Obtain Cynamoth by evolving Propae at Level 16 or above, which can be caught in Gale Forest or obtained by evolving Cathorn at Level 8 or above.
  2. Talk to the man near the trailer before the bridge on Route 2 with Cynamoth as the party leader.

Slugling Invasion Quest[]

Green House

Green House in Kanoko Village.

A house with a green door is located in the middle of Kanoko Village between the blue and red houses. An old man stands in front of this house, next to his mushroom farm, and asks the player to clear away the Sluglings in the house. Three Sluglings can be found inside the house: one on the right table, one on the bed and one on the rug near the fireplace, and the player can battle them by clicking on them. After defeating (or capturing) all three Sluglings, the old man will give the player three bottles of Burn Gel and the item will available for purchase in Loomian Goods stores.


Warning: Players can only battle the following Loomian(s) once!

Loomian Type Level Image Rarity Items TP Yield EXP Drops
Set Encounter
Slugling PlantPlant Plant Lv. 15
Three Only None 1 Ranged Defense 81 None
Attacks: Dawdle, Petal Pummel, Dodge, Slime

Click on the Loomian names to check their learnsets. Hover on the item sprites to check the exact chance of being held by the Set Encounter Loomian.

  1. Talk to the man in front of the green house.
  2. Defeat all three Sluglings inside the house.
  3. Return to the man in front of the green house.

Repellent Quest[]

Camp Route 6

The camping spot on Route 6.

At the right side of the loop on Route 6, a group of boy scouts and an old man can be seen camping. The boys are about to earn their next scout badge by producing some repellents that are used for repelling wild Loomians. However, they face difficulties in collecting the materials because, before being mixed, the raw materials for producing the repellents attract Loomians instead. The leader asks the player to help them defeat Loomians that are chasing the scouts while collecting the materials and will give the player three bottles of Repellent as a reward. Repellent will also be available in Loomian Goods stores after completing the quest.


Warning: Players can only battle the following Loomian(s) once!

Loomian Type Level Image Rarity Items TP Yield EXP Drops
The following Loomians must be fought back-to-back!
Set Encounter
Cafnote TypelessTypeless Simple Lv. 18
One Only None 1 Melee Defense 123 None
Attacks: Spare, Stretch, Stare, Tone Barrier
Cafnote TypelessTypeless Simple Lv. 18
One Only None 1 Melee Defense 123 None
Attacks: Spare, Stretch, Stare, Repeating Tune
Corrupt Loomian
Boss Battle – cannot be caught
Corrupt Gobbidemic
ToxicToxic Toxic Lv. 19
One Only None 1 Speed 513
Gobbidemic has a 100% chance of dropping Shard.
Attacks: Sting, Peck, Squawk, Corrode

Click on the Loomian names to check their learnsets. Hover on the item sprites to check the exact chance of being held by the Set Encounter Loomian.

  1. Talk to the camp leader.
  2. Defeat the Loomians chasing the scouts and collect the repellent materials.

Drop of Youth Quest[]

Man Sepharite Junkyard

The quest giver in Sepharite Junkyard.

At the top left corner of Sepharite Junkyard is an old man that lives in a shipping container. The old man tells the player that one man's trash is another man's treasure and gives the player a deal. If the player can find a spoon, a fork, a bent metal rod and a roll of duct tape in under two minutes, the man will reward the player with a Drop of Youth. If the player fails, they have the option of restarting by talking to the man. Each time the player starts the quest, the four items are scattered randomly around the junkyard. Note that restarting the quest does not save progress from a previous attempt.

  1. Talk to the old man.
  2. Find all four items in under two minutes.
  3. Return to the old man and talk to him before the two minutes are up.

Choochew Saddle Quest[]

Reggie Cheshma Train Station

Reggie and his partner, Chewart, inside Cheshma Train Station.

Inside Cheshma Train Station in Cheshma Town and to the left, players will find Reggie with his partner, Chewart, a Choochew with a train conductor hat on. He tells the player that he is the project manager for Roria's new train station system, and can't decide on the next place to build a train station. Reggie mentions that he and Chewart decided on Cheshma Town as it is a nice, calm place to relax. This time, he wants to build one in a town that has the most delicious food. He is considering building one in Silvent City, Heiwa Village, and Sepharite City, and tasks players with finding the best food each town has to offer. He promises the player a compensation reward for doing so. Upon collecting each food item, the player must return to Reggie so he can feed it to Chewart to help them make a decision. After giving him all three items, he will reward the player with a Choochew Saddle. He will also give a train conductor hat to any Llamba, Choochew, or Loomala brought to him. If players do not want the hat on their Loomian, he can also remove the hat from them.


State Item Obtaining Location
Silvent Sub
Silvent Sub Given by a worker at the Silvent City Subs restaurant in Silvent City.
Heiwa Ramen
Heiwa Ramen Given by a ramen stand worker in Heiwa Village.
Sepharite Bagel
Sepharite Bagel Given by a worker at Power Bagel in Sepharite City.
There was no change to the above items between any of the updates.
  1. Talk to Reggie.
  2. Find all three food items in their respective locations.
  3. Return to Reggie and talk to him until he has fed Chewart each item.

Mr. Ferrix's Soul Burst Quest[]


Mr. Ferrix inside his mansion.

After defeating Dr. Vanta in The Lost City, Mr. Ferrix invites the player to speak with him in his mansion. Upon doing so, he tells the player that he noticed they were given mysterious items by Dakuda before fleeing the city and asks the player if he can borrow them to study. In a news broadcast, it was said that "Soul Burst" Loomians are appearing all across Roria as a result of changes in the Soul Stream flow. Mr. Ferrix did some research and found several places where these Loomians are living. He believes that these strong Loomians are in possession of items similar to the Dakuburst that was given to him by the player. Mr. Ferrix tasks the player to defeat all five Soul Burst Loomians and collect each of their Burst Crystals to bring back to Mr. Ferrix. Baxley will accompany the player on this journey and will battle alongside them in Raid Battles to defeat the Loomians. After defeating all five Loomians and returning to Mr. Ferrix, he will give the items handed to him back to the player and will thank them for all their efforts.

Raid Battles[]

The player will be partnered with Baxley for all of these battles.

Image Loomian Type Level Ability Item EXP TP Yield
Partner: Baxley Capture DiscCapture DiscCapture Disc
Taoshinu TypelessTypeless Simple Lv. 50 Guardian None N/A
Moves: Blindspot Batter, Bait, Body Slam, Mega Chomp
Weaselin TypelessTypeless Simple Lv. 50 Unknown None N/A
Moves: Teamwork, Rant, Body Slam
Waka-Laka PlantPlant Plant
MindMind Mind
Lv. 50 Communication None N/A
Moves: Nature's Force, Muck Blast, Psycho Blast, Gamma Pulse
There was no change to the above matches between any of the updates.

Warning: Players can only battle the following Loomians once!

Flychomp Florant[]

Florant's Raid Den is located in Gale Forest near Tyler.

Florant-Flychomp-menuFlychomp Florant
Boss Ability Power Jaw
Boss Moves Bush Whack
Take Root
Mega Chomp
Rewards FloraburstFloraburst
Crysticulum RCrysticulum R

Terraform Gastroak[]

Gastroak's Raid Den is located in Kanoko Village between some houses.

Gastroak-Terraform-menuTerraform Gastroak
Boss Ability Insulated
Boss Moves Nature's Force
Peace of Mind
Rewards GastroburstGastroburst
Crysticulum VCrysticulum V

Magmadire Eruptidon[]

Eruptidon's Raid Den is located on Route 5 near the entrance to Igneus Hollow.

Eruptidon-Magmadire-menuMagmadire Eruptidon
Boss Ability Pyro Pro
Boss Moves Earthquake
Fire Breath
Power Focus
Rewards EruptiburstEruptiburst
Crysticulum OCrysticulum O

Lavafiend Krakaloa[]

Krakaloa's Raid Den is located in Igneus Hollow at the bottom of the cave.

Krakaloa-Lavafiend-menuLavafiend Krakaloa
Boss Ability Applied Frustration
Boss Moves Spectral Burst
Fire Breath
Burn Up
High-Pitch Screech
Rewards KrakaburstKrakaburst
Crysticulum YCrysticulum Y

Jetwing Stratusoar[]

Stratusoar's Raid Den is located on Route 7 near the gate to Sepharite City.

Stratusoar-Jetwing-menuJetwing Stratusoar
Boss Ability Turbulent
Boss Moves Metal Blast
Energy Surge
Jet Stream
Rewards StratuburstStratuburst
Crysticulum GCrysticulum G


State Item Obtaining Location
Floraburst Defeat Flychomp Florant at Gale Forest.
Gastroburst Defeat Terraform Gastroak at Kanoko Village.
Eruptiburst Defeat Magmadire Eruptidon on Route 5.
Krakaburst Defeat Lavafiend Krakaloa in Igneus Hollow.
Stratuburst Defeat Jetwing Stratusoar on Route 7.
There was no change to the above items between any of the updates.
  1. Talk to Mr. Ferrix.
  2. Defeat all five Soul Burst Loomians in Raid Battles.
  3. Return to Mr. Ferrix and talk to him.

Detectall Quest[]

After defeating Dr. Vanta in The Lost City, Lola at the Underwater Mining Lab speaks of a man at the Atlanthian Museum with a new invention that allowed him to find new things while diving in Lagoona Lake. At the museum, the player can speak to the man standing in front of an ancient painting on display, which he describes as being made by an ancient civilization from thousands of years ago, depicting ancient creatures that ruled over the sky, land, and sea. The man then presents and gives his newest invention, the Detectall, to the player. Returning to the Underwater Mining Lab, Lola is pleased to hear the player has the new tool.

  1. Talk to Lola at the Underwater Mining Lab.
  2. Talk to the inventor at the Atlanthian Museum.
  3. Return and talk to Lola.

Simple-type Quest[]

Boy Atlanthian Park

The boy in Atlanthian Park.

In the park of Atlanthian City's Living District and to the right of the entrance to Mr. Ferrix's Mansion, players will find a boy with a Taoshi next to a tree. He explains that he has friends that like Water-type and Fire-type Loomians, but likes to keep things simple so he prefers Simple-type Loomians. He tasks players to fill a full party (including Benched slots) of Simple-type Loomians. These Loomians must all be of different evolutionary lines; the player may not have two of the same Loomian in their party. Gender variation lines such as Female and Male Cafnote only count as one Loomian line. Upon showing the boy these Loomians, he will reward the player with a "The Simple Things" Background for their Profile Card.

  1. Fill a party (including Benched slots) full of Simple-type Loomians from different evolutionary lines.
  2. Talk to the boy in the park near a tree with those Loomians in the party.