Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki

Small Med is a medicine item introduced in Loomian Legacy - Veils of Shadow that can be used on any Loomian to heal 20 hit points. It can be purchased in an unlimited amount for 300 Loomicoins at any Loomian Goods store.

Obtaining Method[]

State Item Obtaining Location
Small Med
Small Med Purchase at Loomian Goods store for 300 Loomicoins each.
Blue Item Box
Small Med
Small Med ×3 In a small park in Cheshma Town accessed from the alleyway between the two lime green houses to the right of Trainer School.
Requires Closet Key
Blue Item Box
Small Med
Small Med ×5 Storage closet in the back of Loomian Laboratory.
There was no change to the above items between any of the updates.


In Battle[]

Small Med can be used to restore a Loomian's hit-points by 20 points. However, using this item will end the user's turn without being able to attack.


Small Med can be used to restore 20 hit points of a Loomian per bottle outside of battle.


Game Description
VoS This medicine allows a Loomian to recover 20 Health when administered.


Loomian Legacy - Veils of Shadow
v0.1.0 Small Med was added to the game.