Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki

Spare is a Simple-type Melee Move introduced in Loomian Legacy - Veils of Shadow. The Move Manual for this move can be purchased at Atlanthian Arcade for Tix 1000.


The user strikes the target, which will always leave it with at least one Health Point.

This move can be useful for catching wild Loomians, as it will never knock out the Loomian.


The description for this move in each installment of Loomian Legacy is listed as follows:

Game Description
VoS Strike the foe, but leave them with at least one Health Point.
This move is available in all games of the Loomian Legacy series.


By leveling up[]

ID Loomian Image Type
045 Geklow Geklow-menu ElectricElectric Electric
LightLight Light
046 Eleguana Eleguana-menu ElectricElectric Electric
LightLight Light
067 Craytal Craytal-menu FireFire Fire 4
067 Craytal
Craytal-Holiday-menu IceIce Ice
PlantPlant Plant
070 Festifir Festifir-menu IceIce Ice
PlantPlant Plant
068 Krakaloa Krakaloa-menu FireFire Fire 7
069 Volkaloa Volkaloa-menu FireFire Fire
AncientAncient Ancient
074 Cafnote[ATB]
Cafnote-male-menu SimpleSimple Simple 5
074 Cafnote[ATB]
Cafnote-female-menu SimpleSimple Simple 5
101 Zaleo Zaleo-menu AncientAncient Ancient
ElectricElectric Electric
109 Ampole Ampole-menu ElectricElectric Electric 8
118 Hydrini Hydrini-menu BugBug Bug
WaterWater Water
129 Gwurm Gwurm-menu BugBug Bug 7
135 Vari[ATB] Vari-menu SimpleSimple Simple 10
137 Wendolen Wendolen-menu SpiritSpirit Spirit 12
138 Kirolen Kirolen-menu AncientAncient Ancient 12
139 Zepholen Zepholen-menu AirAir Air 12
140 Venolen Venolen-menu ToxicToxic Toxic 12
141 Wresolen Wresolen-menu BrawlerBrawler Brawler 12
142 Buzzolen Buzzolen-menu BugBug Bug 12
143 Tundrolen Tundrolen-menu IceIce Ice 12
144 Pyrolen Pyrolen-menu FireFire Fire 12
145 Hydrolen Hydrolen-menu WaterWater Water 12
179 Taoshi[ATB] Taoshi-menu SimpleSimple Simple Start
184 Somata Somata-menu WaterWater Water
MindMind Mind
188 Swirelle Swirelle-menu AirAir Air 4
218 Fentern[ATB] Fentern-menu SimpleSimple Simple 10
219 Weaselin[ATB] Weaselin-menu SimpleSimple Simple 13
226 Skampi Skampi-menu WaterWater Water 20
234 Leshent Leshent-menu PlantPlant Plant
DarkDark Dark
264 Banooh[ATB] Banooh-menu SimpleSimple Simple 5
270 Jimby[ATB] Jimby-menu SimpleSimple Simple Start
301 Cosmiore Cosmiore-menu AncientAncient Ancient
MindMind Mind
Loomians marked with [ATB] belong to the same type as this attack and will receive a 25% increase in power when using this move. Loomian with its name marked in italics mean that only an evolution or alternate form of it will gain access to the aforementioned power boost.

By Rallying[]

Some Loomians are so rare that they cannot be Rally Leaders. They can only learn Rally moves as the Rally Assistant from a Rally Leader that knows the move.

ID Loomian Image Type
041 Kleptyke Kleptyke-menu DarkDark Dark
042 Ragoon Ragoon-menu DarkDark Dark
283 Duskit Duskit-menu SpiritSpirit Spirit
MindMind Mind
290 Mutagon Mutagon-menu MindMind Mind
BrawlerBrawler Brawler
Loomians marked with [ATB] belong to the same type as this attack and will receive a 25% increase in power when using this move. Loomian with its name marked in italics mean that only an evolution or alternate form of it will gain access to the aforementioned power boost.

By Move Manual[]

All Loomians except for Babore, Boarrok, Kanki, Kanibo, Boonary, and Grievestone can learn Spare by Move Manual.
