Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki

Like many other communities and games, Loomian Legacy players often use specific terminology and abbreviations for many aspects of the game.

Terminology List[]


  • Fossil – An erroneous term referring to Petroliths or Loomians revived from Petroliths, derived from Pokémon.
  • Gleam – A shortened phrase for either Gleaming form, usually Alpha Gleaming.
    • Alpha – A shortened phrase for "Alpha Gleaming".
    • Gamma – A shortened phrase for "Gamma Gleaming".
    • Shiny – An erroneous term derived from Pokémon, usually refers to Alpha Gleaming.
  • Gym – An erroneous term standing used as a synonym for Battle Theatres, derived from Pokémon.
    • Badge – An erroneous term referring to the Medals earned from Battle Theatres, derived from Pokémon.
  • Harm/Harmo - A shortening of "Harmonize", an ability that forces wild Loomians to have the same personality as the possessor. Often used alongside personalities (ex: Harming PN) to describe the act of hunting with this personality so Loomians with specific personalities can be found.
  • Hunting Loomian - A Loomian that knows Spare, a move that can inflict Paralysis or Sleep, or is otherwise useful (such as a Replicate Protogon for checking the Abilities of wild Loomians) for hunting.
  • LL – An acronym for "Loomian Legacy".
    • VoS – An acronym for "Veils of Shadow".
  • Loom - A shortening of "Loomian."
    • Mon - A shortening of "Pokémon" or "monster", often used erroneously to refer to Loomians.
  • LTS – An acronym for "Llama Train Studio", the developers of Loomian Legacy.
  • MM – An acronym for "Move Manual".
  • Pet – An erroneous term that is usually interpreted as a synonym for Loomian, commonly said by newer players of the game, or possibly players of "pet games" (such as Adopt Me!)
  • Phase - A term used in Gleam hunting to describe how many Gleaming Loomians a player has found before their target. (ex: a player hunting for Gamma Whimpor might say they're on their 7th phase if they've found 6 Gleamings so far.)
  • RNG – An acronym for "Random Number Generator". Usually used as a synonym for luck.
  • Roam/Roamer – A shortened phrase for "Roaming".
    • Legendary (or "Legend") – An erroneous term that is usually interpreted as a synonym for Roaming, derived from Pokémon.
  • Roaming Nicknames: - Dusk = Duskit, Ika = Ikazune, Proto = Protogon, Daku/Shark = Dakuda, Muta = Mutagon, Ceph/Lops = Cephalops, Ele/Phage = Elephage/Phagenaut, Arc = Arceros, Glac = Glacadia, Nova = Novadeaus, Cosmel/Chameleon = Cosmeleon
  • Starter – An erroneous term that is usually interpreted as a synonym for Beginner Loomian derived from Pokémon.
  • Varilution/Variation/Varivo – Erroneous terms that are used to refer to one of Vari's many evolutions.


  • 6x40/7x40 (also "Max UP" and/or "Perfect UP") – A Loomian having six or all seven stats with the maximum of 40 Unique Points. These Loomians are usually wanted for PvP. Most of the time, people will not care about the attack stat that is not usually used on the Loomian. (Players usually do not care about the Ranged Attack stat of a Searknight, as an example). Some Loomians need certain UPs to be 0 to be considered Perfect Ups (ex: Players usually want their Icigool to have 0 Speed UPs so it can be slower than other Loomians under Bane of Haste.)
  • Meme Rat – A nickname for a 7x0 (exactly 0 unique points in all stats) Pure Sluggish Twilat, wanted solely for the purpose of being useless.
  • Pure/P [Personality] – Indicates that the Loomian has only one personality.
  • Breedject - A failed Loomian encountered while rallying. Derived from the Pokémon series.
  • Rallyject – A failed Loomian encountered while rallying. More referred to as SAs with bad personality traits or bad UPs.
  • Reverse Rally - Refers to the act of teaching an already-existing Loomian a rally move from the Rally Assistant slot. The Loomian that will give a rally move must be the Rally Leader and the Loomian who is learning the move must be the Rally Assistant with an open move slot. new Loomian with an assistant knowing a desired rally move, putting it in the leader slot, then putting the previous leader in the assistant slot so it can learn the rally move off the new Loomian. Due to some Loomians being unable to become a Rally Leader, players may have to rally a new Loomian of the same evolutionary line in order to perform this method.
  • Sharded (also "Shard used it" or similar) – Indicates that Shards have been used to increase a Loomian's UPs to 40. Boosted UPs are displayed in orange instead of white. Sharded UPs do not pass down through Rallying, only the Loomian's original UPs.
  • Totemed (also just totem) – Loomians with strong personalities rallied with the help of a totem.
  • UP – An acronym of Unique Points.
  • V (Very) – Indicates that the Loomian has a very strong or very weak personality.


  • Bat – Usually referring to Vambat and/or its evolutions.
  • Banned/Trade Banned/TBed - Refers to a player who is unable to trade anymore due to them breaking the Terms of Trading. Loomians on their account are unable to reenter the economy.
  • Bun - Usually referring to Bunpuff and Bunnecki, often their Lunar New Year variants.
  • Bunny/Rabbit – Usually referring to Embit and/or its evolutions. The former has fallen out of use to avoid confusion with Bunpuff.
  • C - Used as a prefix for Christmas/Holiday reskinned Loomians (ex: CIka for a Christmas Ikazune.)
  • Cat – Usually referring to Fevine and/or its evolutions.
  • Candle - Usually referring to Spirwix and/or its evolution.
  • Cika – Christmas Ikazune, refers to Ikazune's Reindeer form.
  • Collateral/Collat - Refers to Loomians given to one trading partner to ensure the other holds up their end of a deal. Usually done when a trade is intended to be reversed (such as borrowing Loomians), or a trade must be done in multiple parts. This is done to prevent players from scamming each other lest they lose valuable Loomians, or to minimize losses in case scamming does occur.
  • Cos/Cosmo/Cosmi/Meteor/Meatball – Usually referring to Cosmiore. The first three have recently fallen out of favor to avoid confusion with Cosmeleon.
  • Cow – Usually referring to Cafnote, Trumbull, and/or Mootune.
  • Crab/Gump/Vent – Usually referring to Gumpod and Ventacean. The first has recently fallen out of favor to avoid confusion with Kanki, Crabushi and their evolutions.
  • Crystal/Ice Muta – An abbreviation for the Christmas variant of Mutagon.
  • Cuffs - Power Cuffs. Found commonly in the Trade Resort and the Battle Colosseum.
  • Demand - Refers to how desirable a certain Loomian is and how easy or hard it is to trade away. A Loomian with very low demand often trades for less than its general value, while one with very high demand can often net overpays.
  • Drip – Usually referring to Dripple.
  • Exotics - A term referring to Loomians that have certain combinations of traits that make them unusually rare. Most often refers to Gamma Gleaming Loomians with rainbow wisps, or Gleaming/Gamma Secret Ability Loomians.
  • Fab - Refers to a Faberge Kyeggo or its evolutions.
  • Fused - Refers to Glacadia and Arceros that a player owns, but are currently unable to trade due to them being fused into a Novadeaus.
  • Gard/Drone – Usually referring to Gardrone.
  • GBI – Gleaming Blue Icigool. This term is commonly seen in trading due to the Light Blue variant being by far the most common and the only returning variant. Other variants exist for different colors.
    • GGBI - Gamma Gleaming Blue Icigool.
  • GCika – Gleaming Christmas Ikazune, referring to the Gleaming form of Ikazune's Reindeer form.
    • GGCika – Gamma Gleaming Christmas Ikazune, referring to the Gamma Gleaming form of Ikazune's Reindeer form.
  • GD – Gleaming Duskit, referring to the Gleaming form of Duskit.
    • GGD – Gamma Gleaming Duskit, referring to the Gamma Gleaming form of Duskit.
  • Gem - Refers to reskins of Loomians released during certain Anniversary events that resemble gemstones and precious metals.
  • GHW – Gleaming Halloween, referring to Gleaming Loomians from the Halloween events.
  • Gift – An erroneous term used to represent Icigool.
    • Ici – An abbreviation for Icigool.
  • Gika – Gleaming Ikazune, referring to the Gleaming form of Ikazune.
    • GGika – Gamma Gleaming Ikazune, referring to the Gamma Gleaming form of Ikazune.
  • GProto – Gleaming Protogon, referring to the Gleaming form of Protogon.
    • GGProto – Gamma Gleaming Protogon, referring to the Gamma Gleaming form of Protogon.
  • GPvP - Refers to a Gleaming Loomian that is properly PvP-trained (correct Ability, Personality, moves and TPs).
    • GGPvP - Refers to a Gamma Gleaming Loomian that is properly PvP-trained. Note than any Loomian species that can be rallied are generally unable to be GGPvP, as their PvP sets usually require Totem Personalities, which Gamma Loomians do not have access to.
  • GPyra – Gleaming Pyramind, referring to the Gleaming form of Pyramind.
    • GPharo – Gleaming Pharoglyph, referring to the Gleaming form of Pharoglyph.
    • GGPyra – Gamma Gleaming Pyramind, referring to the Gamma Gleaming form of Pyramind.
    • GGPharo – Gamma Gleaming Pharoglyph, referring to the Gamma Gleaming form of Pharoglyph.
  • GR – Gleaming Roaming, Gleaming forms of the Roaming Loomians. Also used as the standard measurement for a Loomian's value (ex: if a Loomian is said to be worth 4 GR, it means its value is equal to four Gleaming Roamings.) Duskit is usually used as the "standard" Gleaming Roaming in terms of value measurement.
    • GGR – Gamma Gleaming Roaming, refers to the Gamma Gleaming forms of Roaming Loomians.
    • GRV - Refers to the total GR value of Loomians that a player owns.
  • GRR – Gleaming Route Rare, Route Rare referring to Loomians rare to a specific area.
    • GGRR – Gamma Gleaming Route Rare, Route rare referring to Loomians rare to a specific area.
  • Grinch – Alpha Gleaming Holiday Ragoon, named due to its resemblance to the Grinch.
  • GS – Gleaming Starter, with "starter" referring to Beginner Loomians.
    • GGS – Gamma Gleaming Starter.
  • GSA – Gleaming Secret Ability.
    • GGSA – Gamma Gleaming Secret Ability.
  • Heat - Refers to Loomians that are seen as highly desirable, valuable or visually appealing.
  • Highball - Refers to when a person makes an offer significantly higher than the value of the Loomian, usually to ensure the Loomian is acquired before anyone else can obtain it. Also sometimes done in public to make a Loomian appear more valuable than it actually is.
  • Hoarding - Owning a significant amount of a certain Loomian, either deliberately to artificially inflate the value of said Loomian or simply because the hoarder likes them.
  • HW – Halloween, referring to Loomians from the Halloween events.
  • Inventory - Refers to the Loomians that a player owns and is willing to trade.
  • LF – An abbreviation for "Looking for".
    • MLF – An abbreviation for "Mostly/mainly looking for".
    • NLF – An acronym for "Not Looking For".
  • LB – Usually stands for "Light Blue", referring to a Light Blue Icigool, but also sometimes used as an abbreviation for "lowball".
  • LNY - An abbreviation of "Lunar New Year", referring to the reskins of certain Loomians released during Lunar New Year events.
  • Lowball – Used when someone makes an offer that is significantly lower in value than what they're trading for.
  • MD - An abbreviation for "Matching Disc", a Loomian caught in a Disc that matches its color scheme.
  • Middleman - Refers to the act of giving a Loomian to another person, who trades it on their behalf, then gives the traded Loomians back to the original player. While sometimes done to prevent scamming, it is quite often used as a scam method itself, where the middleman does not return the Loomians to their original owners or charges a "fee" for their service. As such, it is highly discouraged and prohibited in the Terms of Trading.
  • MW – An abbreviation for "Matching Wisp", Gamma Gleaming Loomians with a wisp color similar to its Gamma color scheme.
  • NFT – An acronym for "Not for Trade".
  • Obsi – A shortened phrase for Obsidrugon.
  • OT – A Loomian that belongs to a player who originally found it. An acronym for "Original Trainer".
  • OP – An acronym for "Overpaying", which is when someone trades for something and gives something worth more than what they'd receive.
  • Plushkit - A shortened phrase for "Plush Duskit".
  • Reindeer – A shortened phrase for "Reindeer Ikazune".
  • Rainbow Cat – An erroneous term for Duskit's Rainbow form.
  • Rad - An abbreviation of "Radiant", referring to a Loomian that has a Radiant effect on it, such as a Tier 5 Goppie. Such Loomians are marked by the Greek letter Rho (ρ) in orange on their summary screen.
  • Rat – Usually referring to Twilat, Umbrat, Luxoar and/or Tiklipse.
    • Rainbow Rat – Usually referring to Twilat's Rainbow form.
  • Raw – A Gamma Gleaming worth the typical value of Gamma Gleamings.
    • Raw GR - A Gleaming Roaming (usually a Duskit) worth the typical value of a Gleaming Roaming.
  • RB – A shortened form for rainbow, used in reference to the Rainbow forms of certain Loomians.
  • Rideable/Mountable - Refers to a Loomian that can be ridden on with a Saddle.
  • RR – Route Rare, Loomians that are rare to a specific area.
  • RW – A Gamma Gleaming Loomian with a Rainbow Wisp.
  • Slug – Usually referring to Slugling.
  • Sharking – A form of trading where a person convinces their trade partner that the their offer is a higher or equal value than what it actually is, resulting in a loss to the other person.
  • Tik/Tikl – A shortened phrase for Tiklipse.
  • Tree – Usually referring to Wiki-Wiki and/or Chartiki.
  • T-rex/Recks– A shortened phrase for Tyrecks.
  • Turkey/Gob – Usually referring to Gobbidemic.
  • Upgrade – Trading a large amount of low valued Loomians for a small amount of high valued Loomians.
    • Downgrade – Trading a small amount of high valued Loomians for a large amount of lower valued Loomians.
  • Valcub/V Cub – Abbreviations for "Valentine's Phancub".
  • Vesp – an abbreviation for Vesperatu.
  • Volcano – Usually referring to Krakaloa and/or Volkaloa.
  • W, L, E, F – Words used to describe the outcome of a trade. These stand for "Win", "Loss", "Equal", and "Fair" respectively, "Win" meaning the player got more value, "Loss" meaning the player got less value, and "Equal" and "Fair" meaning the player didn't gain or lose value.
  • Xmas Craytal – An abbreviation for "Christmas Craytal".
  • Xmas Tree – An abbreviation for "Festifir".
  • Zue – A shortened phrase for Zuelong.


  • AA – An acronym of the move Adaptive Assault.
  • ACC – An abbreviation for Accuracy, a property of moves.
  • Amulet/HA/Hamulet - Refers to Health Amulet, a popular item in the Battle Colosseum.
  • Answer - Refers to a Loomian that can switch into or significantly threatens another Loomian, preventing it from sweeping the entire rest of the team.
  • Balance – A team style that uses a mix of offensive and defensive Loomians.
  • BB – An acronym of the move Brawn Boost. Can also refer to the move Baneful Bash.
  • BO - An acronym of "Bulky Offense", a playstyle where a player aims to withstand the opponents' attacks repeatedly while retaliating with strong moves of their own, usually with lots of slow, supportive Loomians to help with longevity. Unlike stall, it attacks the opponent directly instead of relying on residual damage.
  • BoH – An acronym of the move Bane of Haste.
  • BoT – An acronym of the move Bag of Tricks.
  • Boots/Spec Boots – Refers to Specialty Boots, a popular item in the Battle Colosseum.
  • Bropae – Commonly used to refer to a Secret Ability PvP Propae, or just Propae in general.
  • Buff – Increasing a specific base stat of a Loomian, or adding base power or additional effects to a move or ability.
  • Calc/Calcing - Refers to the use of a damage calculator to determine the possible damage a Loomian can deal or receive. Often done mid-battle between turns to determine the best course of action.
  • Chip – A term regarding when a Loomian has taken a little damage from full health so it can be in range to be taken out.
  • Check – A term regarding a Loomian in PvP that is able to knock out a Loomian but cannot swap in directly more than once, or can be defeated if the opponent has certain moves or items.
  • Cheese - Refers to a Loomian or strategy considered cheap, uncompetitive, unreliable or luck-dependent.
  • Choice Scarf/Scarfed - An erroneous term for Specialty Boots/a Loomian holding Specialty Boots, derived from Pokémon.
    • Choice Band/Banded- An erroneous term for Specialty Gloves/a Loomian holding Specialty Gloves, derived from Pokémon.
    • Choice Specs/Specced- An erroneous term for Specialty Goggles/a Loomian holding Specialty Goggles, derived from Pokémon.
  • Choice Locked/Choiced - A term derived from Pokémon, referring to when a Loomian holding Specialty Boots, Gloves or Goggles is locked into a single move.
  • Cleric – A Loomian able to keep the team healthy from status or health from Wonder Herb and/or Health Gift respectively.
  • Colo – An abbreviation for "Battle Colosseum".
  • Core – A group of 2-3 Loomians in a team that synergize well together able to cover each other's weaknesses.
  • Counter – A term regarding a Loomian in PvP that is able to check a Loomian multiple times without taking any/much damage, especially when switching in.
  • Cosmiore-E - Refers to Encased form Cosmiore.
    • Cosmiore-C - Refers to Cracked form Cosmiore.
    • Cosmiore-U - Refers to Unleashed form Cosmiore.
  • Coverage – Refers to moves of a different type to use in order to handle more types of Loomians.
  • CP/BT – Colosseum Points and Battle Tokens respectively, referring to the former and current name of the currency received after winning battles in the Battle Colosseum.
  • DC - An abbreviation for "disconnect". Usually used as a synonym for forfeit or rage quit, but sometimes happens due to a player having technical difficulties (like a power outage), or experiencing a glitch/server error that unintentionally boots them from the battle.
  • Deadlock - Refers to a game state in which progress is unable to be made, either because both players aren't giving the other any opportunities to attack, or because the game is in a state where neither Loomian can deal enough damage to offset the others' recovery (or cannot damage each other at all). Common during mirror matches between stall Loomians. Can also refer to a stall team that makes progress extremely slowly.
  • Double Dance - A term derived from Pokémon, referring to a Loomian that has two different setup moves (ex: a Taoshinu with both Stretch and Bulk Up).
  • Double Switch - Refers to the act of switching a Loomian into battle and immediately switching it back out, usually without the use of a pivoting move. This is often done to avoid staying in on an unfavorable matchup, or when the opponent is predicted to react to the Loomian switched in first in such a way that it would make switching the second Loomian in safe and advantageous.
  • DoY – An acronym of the item Drop of Youth.
  • Dracovish - A joking term usually referring to Lantorch, due to the similarities of how Lantorch is used in competitive battles to that of Dracovish in Pokémon.
  • EC – An acronym for Energy Cost, a property of moves.
  • Entry Hazard – Refers to moves like Icicle Trap and Poison Barbs which have different negative effects on a Loomian upon entering the battle.
  • ELO - An erroneous term for a player's MMR ranking, derived from Pokémon Showdown/chess.
  • EO - An acronym of the move Expert Onslaught.
  • EQ – An acronym of the move Earthquake.
  • Ess - An abbreviation of Essence.
  • FF – A shortening of the word "forfeit" that may also be used as an acronym of the move Flash 'n Flee.
  • FnF – Another common acronym of the move Flash 'n Flee.
  • Fodder/Death Fodder - A Loomian that has sustained so much damage or been affected by the opponent (ex: a Melee attacker that has been burned) in such a way that it is no longer able to serve any purpose other than to take an attack so another Loomian can switch in safely when it faints.
  • Fog/Rain/Wind/Heatwave/Thunderstorm Team - A team that revolves around a certain weather condition, consisting of Loomians with Abilities that set a weather automatically and ones that abuse that weather condition (such as Rain Summon Deludrix alongside a Rain Rush Arapaigo).
  • Food - Refers to a Loomian or an entire team that is fainted quickly by, or has no way of countering a specific Loomian (ex: a team that consists entirely of Loomians with no easy way to deal with Brawler-type moves could be called "Banokey food".)
  • Garg-B - Refers to Base form Gargolem.
    • Garg-A - refers to Attack form Gargolem.
    • Garg-D - refers to Defense form Gargolem.
    • Garg-S - refers to Speed form Gargolem.
  • Gifts - Refers to Health Gift and Energy Gift, two moves commonly run on hyper offense teams due to their ability to allow a weakened sweeper both a second chance at sweeping and to switch in safely.
  • Glass Cannon – A Loomian capable of hitting very hard but has very little bulk.
  • Hazard Spam - A team archetype that tries to lay as many entry hazards onto the opponent as possible, severely limiting their ability to counterplay against their opponent.
  • HO – An acronym for Hyper Offense, a team style which revolves around offensive Loomians swapping in on resisted hits/immunities rather than dedicated defensive Loomians.
  • Hydrolen Tier - A joking term referring to a Loomian that is almost completely useless in even lower tiers of competitive battling, similarly to Hydrolen, which many consider to be the worst fully-evolved Loomian in the game.
  • Ikaboar - Refers to an offensive core of Ikazune and Boarrok, popular due to the two being able to break nearly every wall in the game as a duo and Ikazune's Flash 'n Flee being able to allow Boarrok to switch in and get off a guaranteed Boast boost against an opponent with low Melee Attack.
  • Iron Fumble – An erroneous name given to Sherbot derived from the Pokémon Iron Bundle due to its similar design concept as a robotic penguin but its dissimilar and poor performance in PvP.
  • Laddering/Climbing the Ladder - Refers to the act of gaining MMR and ranking up by winning many battles.
  • Lead – A Loomian that is used to send out first into a battle. These are often hazard setters.
    • Suicide Lead - A Loomian sent out first into a battle with the intent for it to faint, either through self-faint moves or by being so frail that it faints nearly immediately, so other Loomians can come onto the field safely after it does its job (usually setting up hazards). Health Gift Gobbidemic and Banana Split Banokey are common suicide leads.
    • Anti-lead - A Loomian sent out first with the intent to stop the opponent's lead from working, either by using Provoke to prevent it from setting up entry hazards, using a move to remove their entry hazards, or simply by KOing it before it can do anything.
  • Loadout - Refers to the Loomians a player brought to a battle.
  • Lumishent - Refers to a defensive core of Luminami and Leshent, very popular since the two Loomians cover each other's weaknesses well and are able to use pivot moves to allow other Loomians to switch in safely after they take a hit.
  • Metagame – Refers to what is most frequently being used at the current moment in PvP.
  • Mirror Match - Refers to when both players are using the same Loomian at the same time. Sometimes also refers to when a team core or archetype is facing itself.
  • Mixed – A Loomian which uses both Melee and Ranged moves rather than focusing on a single category of these moves.
  • Momentum – Having the upper hand in battle and limiting down the opponent's options.
  • Monotype - Refers to a team consisting of only of Loomians who share a certain Type. Monotype teams often use Expert Onslaught to take advantage of their Loomians' shared Typing. Also refers to a tournament style which only permits monotype teams.
  • Nature – An erroneous term for Personality, derived from Pokémon.
    • PH – An acronym of the Personality trait of Pure Hyper.
    • PB – An acronym of the Personality trait of Pure Brawny.
    • PR – An acronym of the Personality trait of Pure Robust.
    • PS – An acronym of the Personality trait of Pure Smart.
    • PC – An acronym of the Personality trait of Pure Clever.
    • PN – An acronym of the Personality trait of Pure Nimble.
  • Nerf – Reducing a specific base stat of a Loomian, or removing base power or additional effects from a move or ability, solely to become more balanced in the PvP metagame.
  • OP – An acronym of "Overpowered", for when something in the game is strong to the point where it's unfair (or, seem this way, to newer players), whether that be a Loomian, move, or ability.
  • OU – An acronym of OverUsed, referring to popular Loomians commonly used in PvP battles, derived from Smogon University.
    • Ubers – Ubers is the banlist of OU. It contains Loomians that are too overpowered or overcentralizing in OU.
    • UU – An acronym of UnderUsed, referring to Loomians not often used in OU battles, derived from Smogon University.
    • UUBL – An acronym of UnderUsed Banlist, referring to Loomians that are fairly used in PvP battles, derived from Smogon University. Loomians from this tier are prohibited from usage in the UU tier but can be used in the OU tier. They are too overpowered or overcentralizing in UU but do not meet the required usage to be considered OU.
    • NU - An acronym of NeverUsed, referring to Loomians not often used in UU battles, also derived from Smogon University.
    • PU/ZU - An acronym of ZeroUsed (PU is not an acronym but merely a joke that the Loomians "stink" in battle), also derived from Smogon University, referring to Loomians that see little to no serious competitive usage and are generally considered to be useless.
    • NFE – An acronym of Not Fully Evolved, referring to Loomians that are evolved but can evolve further, derived from Smogon University. This doesn't include Loomians that can't evolve.
    • LC – An acronym of Little Cup, referring to Loomians that can evolve further but isn't evolved already, derived from Smogon University. This doesn't include Loomians that can't evolve.
    • AG – An acronym of Anything Goes, referring to Loomians, strategies, moves or abilities that are considered so strong or uncompetitive that they are banned from competitive play even in Ubers, derived from Smogon University. This often includes Appetite, Talent Trade, Resentful, Trader, and Willbound Metronette.
  • Passive - Refers to a Loomian that isn't capable of dealing a lot of damage by itself.
  • Passive Recovery - Refers to healing that a Loomian receives automatically without the direct usage of a move, such as through a Health Amulet, or if the Loomian is Plant-type under Heavy Rainfall. Healing from moves like Soft Water and Slumber if they have been set up in a previous turn are also forms of passive healing.
  • PBarbs – An abbreviation for the move Poison Barbs.
  • Pivot – A Loomian which attempts to gain momentum/slow down momentum of opponent via switching in and out with a move. Can also refer to the action of switching out.
  • Phaze - "Psuedo-hazing", a term derived from Pokémon referring to the use of a move like Driving Force that forces an opponent out of battle and clears their Stat Boosts.
  • PoM – An acronym of the move Peace of Mind.
  • Priority - Refers to moves like Quick Pounce and Lightspeed Ray which move before all others, often used to take out faster and frailer Loomians, or to deal the final blow to a weakened Loomian to ensure it faints before it can do anything else.
  • Protosoul - Refers to an offensive team core consisting of Protogon and Ursoul. It was once extremely popular due to the high speed of Protogon combined with Ursoul's priority moves, as well as the extreme offensive power of both Loomians, being highly effective at sweeping teams. It has somewhat regained its popularity as of the release of PvP 2.0, due to both Loomians receiving significant buffs.
  • Randbats – "Random Battles", referring to the Randoms ruleset in the Battle Colosseum, derived from Smogon University.
  • Removal - Refers to a Loomian with an obstacle-removing move or a typing that allows it to remove hazards on entry.
  • Revenge Killer/Cleaner– A Loomian which comes in to finish off an opponent's Loomian or to clean late game, often when the player lacks a defensive answer for it. Revenge Killers/Cleaners are usually fast Loomians or ones with increased priority attacks. They are also known as Late Game Sweepers.
  • RF – An acronym of the move Radiant Forecast.
  • RtS – An acronym of the move Return to Sender.
  • SA – An acronym of Secret Ability.
    • HA – An erroneous term standing for Hidden Ability used as a synonym for Secret Ability, derived from Pokémon.
  • Sack Off/Sack - Refers to when a Loomian is switched/kept in with the intent for it to faint, so other Loomians do not have to take an attack or so as to waste the opponent's Energy.
  • SB – An acronym for "Soul Burst".
    • Mega - An erroneous term for Soul Burst, derived from Pokémon.
  • Sidegrade - An additional option (such as a move or ability) that can be run as an alternative to a Loomian's usual set, but isn't necessarily better or worse.
  • Scout – A move (such as Dodge or Driving Force) which allows the player to see what moves or Loomians their opponent is using so they may determine the best course of action. Often done to determine what move a Loomian with a Specialty item is going to lock itself into.
  • Set - The TPs, moves, Personality, Item and Ability a Loomian is running.
  • Set-up – A strategy that involves using moves that increase a Loomian's stats, readying it to sweep opponents (for example, Brawn Boost). Some Set-ups also prepare entry hazards such as Barbs, etc.
  • Set-up Fodder – A Loomian that can't do much damage to an opposing Loomian, allowing the opponent to boost their stats for free. For example, while a Loomian like Bloatox can wall Tundrolen's attacks, Bloatox can't do much damage to it while Tundrolen can spam Bulk Up over and over again. (Assuming that the Tundrolen is holding Mysterious Dust to get rid of Poison)
  • Shrimposter - Refers to a Skampi with maximum Melee Defense, holding Drop of Youth, and knowing Battering Ram and Body Crash, due the fact that it fulfills this role better than its evolution, Shrimposte. Also sometimes used to refer to the poor PvP performance of Shrimposte itself.
  • Slap Absorber – A Loomian that is capable of taking a hit from, does not mind having its item taken away by, or is immune to Slap Down.
  • Spam - Refers to the repeated and constant use of a move, Type, pivoting, etc.
  • Splashable/Glue - Refers to a Loomian that due to its strength, versatility or type combination, is easy to fit on almost any team, and often makes teams it is on more functional.
    • Situational/Niche - The opposite of a Splashable Loomian, these Loomians require team support to function consistently or need the entire team to be built around them.
  • STAB – An erroneous acronym for "Same Type Attack Bonus", derived from Pokémon, referring to the additional damage done when a Loomian uses an attack of the same type as the Loomian itself. The official term is "Attack Type Bonus", commonly written ATB.
  • Stall – A team style which consists of defensive Loomians to slowly chip away at the opponent's team while keeping themselves healthy.
    • Semistall – Similar to Stall, the main difference being that Semistall has 1 or 2 offensive loomians, while Stall is fully defensive.
    • Stall Breaker – A Loomian which can shut down stall teams, not from offensive power, but rather preventing their strategy from working, such as with the usage of the move Provoke.
  • Sticky Webs/Webs - An erroneous term for Banana Split, derived from Pokémon.
  • STR – An acronym for Strength, a property of moves.
    • Base Power/BP – Erroneous terms used as a synonym for 'Strength,' derived from Pokémon.
  • Sweep – Knocking out all Loomians used by the opponent while using only one Loomian, sometimes with small assistance by another.
    • Reverse Sweep - When a player who appears to be in a losing position ends up winning the game by sweeping the opponent with their last remaining Loomian.
  • Sweeper – A fast and hard-hitting Loomian designed to take out as many Loomians on the opponent's side as possible, usually with an attack boosting move like Bulk Up or Magnify.
  • T-Strike – A shortened phrase of the move Thunderstrike.
  • Tank (Loomian) – A Loomian able to take hits well though to a lesser extent than a wall but offers more offensive capability compared to a wall.
  • Tank (a hit) – Take little damage from an attack or survive an attack with little health to knock out the opposing Loomian.
  • Timer Stall - When a player deliberately takes as long as possible during their turns without losing to inactivity, done as a last resort when the only way to win is to hope the opponent loses connection, or simply to annoy the opponent. Does not refer to when an opponent takes a long time to decide their move because they're calculating or thinking.
  • Tourney/Tournament/Tourn - Refers to player-run PvP competitions, sometimes with prizes included.
  • TP – An acronym for Training Points.
  • TP – Team Preview (in Battle Colosseum). This definition is much less common than the one above.
  • TP Training – Selectively defeating certain species of Loomians for Training Points, usually at Training Hotspots, or using gummies, to acquire ideal stats for PvP.
  • Trap Remover – A Loomian that is capable of removing hazards, such as a Fire Type Loomian or one that knows Gust or Burn Up.
  • Trashloom/Trashmon - Refers to a Loomian that performs poorly in PvP battles.
  • Viability - Refers to how good a Loomian is in PVP.
  • Wall – A defensive Loomian which offers little offensive capability and is dedicated to taking hits for the team.
    • Wall Breaker – A Loomian which has enough offensive power to take out a wall Loomian
  • Win Con / Win Condition – Players are only able to win the match under a certain condition.
  • ZZ/Zip - Refers to Zip-Zap.

Other PvP terminology[]

  • Casual Player(s) – Also known as "Colo Noobs" or "Colo Randoms", "Casual Players" usually refer to players who do not care about playing PVP competitively. These usually are players who don't care about training points.
  • Meme Set – Normally used as a joke, most meme sets are PvP sets that are very unusual (such as a Twilat or Snowl holding a Drop of Youth) or are used in diverse ways with unconventional strategies (such as with Propae).