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Loomian Legacy Wiki
Loomian Legacy Wiki
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The Lost City is an abandoned city that was originally constructed by an ancient civilization thousands of years ago, but for an unknown reason, sunk into the sea. At the far end of the Temple Ruins is the Soul Heart, which is said to be the source of all life on the planet.

Notable Events[]

VS Dr. Vanta[]

The submarine surfaces at one end of the temple, and Mr. Ferrix notes that the temple is dry, and the water is suspended above them, seemingly like magic. He explains that the original inhabitants of the Lost City had advanced technology, so that may explain the strange behavior of the water. The player must progress through the ruins, fighting any POLUT Corp. employees they find along the way. After crossing a bridge, the player enters a room where Dr. Vanta and a few POLUT Guards and Scientists are studying a wall of debris. The scientist tells Vanta that it should take around twelve hours to drill through the debris, but Vanta claims he does not have time for it, and sends out a Protogon to blast the wall, revealing a tunnel filled with blue, glowing crystals. Vanta turns and greets Ferrix, who tries to warn him about the dangers of the Soul Heart. Vanta admits that he does not know everything about the Stone Tablet or the Soul Heart, but as a scientist, it is his job to experiment and discover. He then proceeds onwards with Garren, one of his top scientists, and leaves the two Elite POLUT Guards to deal with the player. Jake joins the player for a Double Battle.

After defeating them, more POLUT Guards rush at the group, at which they volunteer to stay behind, leaving Mr. Ferrix and the player to pursue Vanta. At the end of the tunnel is a colossal chamber with a massive blue crystal protruding from the ceiling, and right beneath it is an artifact with a blinding white glow: the Soul Heart. Before approaching Vanta and Garren, Mr. Ferrix allows the player to heal their Loomians and access their Loomian Care. As the player approaches, Garren comments to Vanta that the energy readings from the Soul Heart are unlike any they've ever seen before. Mr. Ferrix interrupts them, but Vanta says that the Soul Crystal is "the next step for humanity." Mr. Ferrix tries to warn him by saying that tampering with the Soul Heart could be disastrous, but Vanta insists that it has the power of creation, not destruction. Vanta states that they should settle things with a battle.

Dakuda Appears[]

After defeating Vanta, he is outraged, saying that the player should not have interfered with his plan to advance humanity. Ferrix counters him by saying that power should not be placed in the hands of a single man, and people should instead be unified to make change. Vanta disregards this, saying that he needs to fix his and other people's "mistakes" to society, such as his cyber implants making people lazy. Ferrix states that the cyber implants are actually helpful, but Vanta believes that all that matters is obtaining the Soul Heart. Then, the rest of the player's group runs in and congratulates the player on beating Vanta. However, Starla begins to stare at the Soul Heart intensely, eventually growing three extra eyes and beginning to howl at it constantly. Vanta notices Starla and has a sudden flashback to when he saw it in a snowy area as a little boy. Starla's howling causes the Soul Heart to glow blue, and awakens a Loomian in a pool below the chamber. A piece of the Soul Heart suddenly breaks off and hovers towards Vanta's weakened Stratusoar. Right afterwards, the Loomian jumps out of the water and onto the platform. This Loomian is revealed to be Dakuda, the ancient guardian of the Soul Heart chamber seen in the murals at the Atlanthian Museum. Vanta sees that his Stratusoar is revitalized, and sends it to battle the Dakuda. During battle, Vanta notices his LoomiWatch is glowing, and uses it to transform his Stratusoar into a more powerful form: Jetwing Stratusoar. This process is later referred to as Soul Burst.

It unleashes a powerful attack on Dakuda, weakening it severely. However, another piece of the Soul Heart breaks off and floats towards Dakuda, allowing it to undergo Soul Burst through the player's LoomiWatch. Dakuda then defeats the strengthened Stratusoar, beating Dr. Vanta for a second time. Still stubborn and ignoring orders from Garren, Vanta rushes at the Soul Heart, before it ends up shattering into pieces. Vanta is thrown back and experiences abnormal pain as water begins to quickly flood into the crumbling chamber. Still reluctant to leave, Vanta and Garren eventually rush out of the city to find a doctor. Everyone else shortly follows, however Dakuda gives the player the Dakuburst and Crysticulum C before narrowly escaping the now caved-in Lost City.


Image Loomian Type Level Ability Item EXP TP Yield
Trainer: POLUT Guard Full Battle!Full Battle!Full Battle!Full Battle!Full Battle! Reward:
Spirivii SpiritSpirit Spirit
BugBug Bug
Lv. 5 Life Force None 40 1 Health
Moves: Bug Bite, Startle, Gnaw
Snowl IceIce Ice Lv. 6 Wise None 27 1 Energy
Moves: Snowdozer
Igneol AncientAncient Ancient Lv. 8 Resilience  ς  None 82 1 Energy
Moves: Mud Spatter, Burrow, Gnaw
Twilat TypelessTypeless Simple Lv. 8 Neutralize  ς  None 64 1 Health
Moves: Gnaw, Dawdle, Stretch
Pyramind MindMind Mind Lv. 10 Temper None 135 1 Ranged Defense
Moves: Brainwash, Mind's Eye, Rant
Trainer: POLUT Scientist Capture DiscCapture DiscCapture Disc Reward:
Gardrone MetalMetal Metal Lv. 42 Communication None 1532 2 Ranged Attack
1 Ranged Defense
Moves: Metal Blast, Thunderstrike, Deep Freeze, Accelerate
Dyeborg MetalMetal Metal
ToxicToxic Toxic
Lv. 42 Immunized None 1140 1 Melee Attack
1 Ranged Attack
Moves: Paint Shower, Metal Blast, Steel Crusher, Baneful Bash
Skelic WaterWater Water
AncientAncient Ancient
Lv. 42 Combative None 1127 1 Energy
1 Melee Attack
Moves: Drudge, Primal Slash, Aqua Jaws, Phantom Slash
Trainer: Advanced POLUT Guards Capture DiscCapture DiscCapture DiscCapture Disc Reward:
Advanced POLUT Guard
Mawamurk WaterWater Water
PlantPlant Plant
Lv. 43 Swampy None 1216 2 Health
Moves: Marsh Wave, Life Drain, Boom Bash, Photosynthesis
Crabtana MetalMetal Metal
BrawlerBrawler Brawler
Lv. 43 Expertise None 1126 2 Melee Defense
Moves: Bulk Up, Steel Crusher, Drudge, Hydro Slash
Advanced POLUT Guard
Tsukame WaterWater Water Lv. 43 Tone Deaf None 1478 2 Melee Defense
1 Ranged Attack
Moves: Tsunami, Resonate, Frost Beam, Peace of Mind
Kanibo WaterWater Water
BrawlerBrawler Brawler
Lv. 43 Aggressive None 1112 2 Melee Attack
Moves: Clawber, Ice Hammer, Wave Wrecker, Bulk Up
Partner: Jake (vs. Elite POLUT Guards) Capture DiscCapture DiscCapture Disc
Snagoop AirAir Air
ToxicToxic Toxic
Lv. 42 Unknown None N/A
Moves: Jet Stream, Muck Blast, Venom Chomp, Eerie Stare
Eleguana ElectricElectric Electric
LightLight Light
Lv. 42 Radiance None N/A
Moves: Gamma Pulse, Luster Loot, Thunderstrike, Magnify
Searknight FireFire Fire
MetalMetal Metal
Lv. 42 Awakening None N/A
Moves: Searing Steel, Power Focus, Mega Punch, Flaming Kick
Trainer: Elite POLUT Guards Capture DiscCapture DiscCapture DiscCapture DiscCapture DiscCapture Disc Reward:
Elite POLUT Guard
Clionae WaterWater Water
MindMind Mind
Lv. 44 Guardian None 1166 2 Ranged Defense
Moves: Tsunami, Stratagem, Bait
Samarine WaterWater Water
MetalMetal Metal
Lv. 44 Rev Up None 1195 1 Health
1 Melee Attack
Moves: Wave Wrecker, Steel Crusher, Thunder Chomp, Sharpen
Moreel ElectricElectric Electric
DarkDark Dark
Lv. 45 One of Many None 1309 2 Ranged Attack
Moves: Thunder Slam, Energize, Soft Water, Dark Surge
Elite POLUT Guard
Deludrix BugBug Bug
WaterWater Water
Lv. 44 Aqua Body None 1591 1 Melee Attack
2 Ranged Attack
Moves: Peace of Mind, Pheroblast, Douse, Thunderstrike
Fiscarna WaterWater Water Lv. 44 Regift None 1195 1 Ranged Attack
1 Ranged Defense
Moves: Bait, Soft Water, Tsunami, Frost Beam
Teridescent AncientAncient Ancient
LightLight Light
Lv. 45 Watcher None 1258 1 Health
1 Melee Attack
Moves: Dazzling Barrage, Slash, Hydro Slash, Blindspot Batter
There was no change to the above matches between any of the updates.

Boss Battle[]

Image Loomian Type Level Ability Item EXP TP Yield
Trainer: Dr. Vanta Full Battle!Full Battle!Full Battle!Full Battle!Full Battle! Reward:
Tyrecks MetalMetal Metal
EarthEarth Earth
Lv. 46 Terrifying None 1737 2 Melee Attack
1 Melee Defense
Moves: Earthquake, Steel Crusher, Sharpen, Complete Demolition
Samarine WaterWater Water
MetalMetal Metal
Lv. 46 Rev Up None 1249 1 Health
1 Melee Attack
Moves: Sharpen, Aqua Jaws, Steel Crusher, Thunder Chomp
AncientAncient Ancient
MindMind Mind
Lv. 47 Enchanted Coat None 808 1 Ranged Attack
Moves: Meteor Crash, Psycho Blast, Peace of Mind, Hypnotize
Protogon MetalMetal Metal Lv. 47 Analyze None 883 1 Speed
Moves: Dart Burst, Thunderstrike, Energy Surge, Steel Crusher
Stratusoar MetalMetal Metal
AirAir Air
Lv. 48 Toxic Filter  ς  None 1350 1 Ranged Attack
1 Ranged Defense
Moves: Metal Blast, Jet Stream, Magnify, Energy Surge
There was no change to the above matches between any of the updates.

Image Loomian Type Level Ability Item EXP TP Yield
Trainer: Dr. Vanta Capture Disc Reward: N/A
MetalMetal Metal
AirAir Air
Lv. 47 Turbulent
Stratusoar holds Stratuburst.
1321 ?
Moves: Airstrike
There was no change to the above matches between any of the updates.


State Item Obtaining Location
Dakuburst Given by Dakuda as everyone is fleeing the collapsing temple.
Crysticulum C
Crysticulum C Given by Dakuda as everyone is fleeing the collapsing temple.
There was no change to the above items between any of the updates.


  • After the story events here, this area cannot be re-entered, as the entrance becomes blocked by boulders after the cave-in.